Hey there, listen up! I gotta tell ya about this 666 watch thing. It’s all the rage, ya know? All the young folks are wearin’ ’em. My grandson, bless his heart, he got me one. Said it was a good thing. Fancy lookin’ thing, it is.

This 666 watch, it ain’t just a regular watch. This one, they call it a “Devil Diver”. Don’t know why they call it that, though. Sounds kinda spooky, right? But it sure is somethin’. They say it can go real deep in the water, like 666 feet deep. Now, I ain’t never been that deep, not even close. My swimmin’ days are long gone. But that’s what they say, 666 feet.
This 666 watch, it’s got numbers all around. Big numbers, small numbers. Hands movin’ around, tick-tock, tick-tock. It’s a Bulova, that is a good brand, I hear. My neighbor, she’s got a Bulova, too. Hers ain’t a 666, though. Hers is just a regular one. But this 666, it’s special, they say.
Back in my day, we didn’t have these fancy watches. We just had plain old watches. We just knew the time by the sun. High noon, that meant lunchtime. Sun goin’ down, time to go in. Simple as that. Now you got these Bulova 666 watches that tell ya everything. Too much, if ya ask me.
There’s these other 666 watches, too. Not just Bulova. They come from Barcelona, wherever that is. They got names like John, James. Sounds like regular folks’ names to me. And one called “Under Pressure.” That one, I kinda get. Life’s been under pressure, ain’t it?
- John 666 watch
- James 666 watch
- Under Pressure 666 watch
Then there’s one they call “Megabyte”. Now that don’t make no sense to me. What’s a megabyte? Sounds like somethin’ ya eat. Maybe it’s one of them new-fangled foods these young folks eat. I stick to my taters and gravy. That’s good eatin’.

My grandson, he says this 666 watch is a good thing. He got it for me when he finished school, bless his heart. This Bulova Oceanographer, that’s what he called it, is a fine looking watch. This thing looks strong. Like it will last forever. He said it will last longer than me! Can you believe that? These kids! They say it has never been opened. I don’t know what that means. Maybe it’s like a can of beans that has never been opened.
They say there are a lot of these water watches now. I see many young people wear them. People like to dive deep in the water, I guess. I don’t know why. All that water, and it’s cold, too. I’ll stick to my rocking chair, thank you very much. This Bulova 666, this is what I will wear now. It’s a gift. It is nice to have a gift. Even if it has that devil name.
This 666 watch, it’s got a good weight to it. Feels solid. Not like those flimsy things they make nowadays. This one, it feels like it’ll last a lifetime. Maybe even two! I remember when things were built to last. Not like today. Everything breaks so easy now.
I don’t know much about these things, but I know this Bulova Oceanographer 666 is a good one. My grandson says it’s the best. He knows about these things. He’s a smart boy. He reads a lot. He says this watch is special. And it was expensive, too. He spent a lot of money. He shouldn’t have, but he did. He’s a good boy.
I guess this 666 watch is a good thing to have. It tells the time. It looks nice. And it makes my grandson happy. That’s all that matters, right? Makin’ the young folks happy. That’s what us old folks are here for.

So, yeah, this 666 watch. It’s somethin’ else. It’s a sign of the times, I guess. Everything’s changin’. But some things stay the same. Like family. And a good, solid watch. Even if it’s called a Devil Diver. Even if it is a 666 watch.