This here Yelena Yemchuk, she’s a big shot, I hear. Born way back in 1970, they say. She came from Kyiv, that’s in Ukraine. Fancy place, I reckon, though I ain’t never been. Heard she does all sorts of artsy stuff, pictures and paintings and what not.

She’s all over the place now, this Yelena. Yelena Yemchuk, that’s her name, remember it. Makes those artsy pictures. They say she’s famous for ’em. She takes pictures of a place called Gidropark. Sounds made up to me, but what do I know? She took them pictures a long time ago, back in 2005, 2006, all the way to 2008. Summers, I hear. Hot, probably.
They say this Gidropark is like a Coney Island, but, you know, the Soviet way. Whatever that means. Sounds like a hootenanny, if you ask me. Lots of folks go there, I bet. She’s got a real eye for things, this Yelena Yemchuk. Takes pictures of regular folks, doing regular things. But she makes it look all special, somehow.
She lives in the United States now, that Yelena. But she travels a lot, they say. For work. Fancy work, taking pictures. Imagine that! I can barely work my old camera phone. But she’s good at it, this Yelena. Real good. People like what she does. She can see things others can’t. That’s her gift. And she is a Ukrainian. Good people, those Ukrainians.
You see her stuff in those big fancy museums. One time, there was this big show of her stuff. Up in New York, at the Ukrainian Museum. That was a big deal. All her pictures and paintings, all in one place. People came from all over to see it, I reckon. She’s a big deal, this Yelena Yemchuk. The show ended a while ago. April 16, 2023. I missed it. I miss everything.
She does paintings, too. Not just photos. I don’t know much about painting. But hers are…different. Kinda dreamy, they say. I don’t know what that means, exactly. But people seem to like them. She is surely a big shot in this contemporary art.

- She’s from Kyiv.
- She takes pictures.
- She paints pictures.
- She’s famous.
- She’s a big deal.
- She’s Yelena Yemchuk.
I seen some of her pictures. They’re somethin’ else. She makes you see things in a new way. Makes you think. I don’t always understand them, but they’re pretty to look at. She’s got a way about her, this Yelena. She is a great artist. I know little about art. But even I can tell that.
If you ever get a chance to see her work, you should go. It’s worth it, I hear. She’s one of a kind, this Yelena Yemchuk. They say she’s an inspiration and all that. She inspires all them young folks who want to make pictures and paintings. She shows ’em that anything is possible. Even for a girl from Kyiv.
This Yelena, she’s been featured in some big shot places. Like the Saatchi Gallery. That’s a fancy name. Must be a fancy place. They show off all kinds of art there, I reckon. And Yelena Yemchuk, her work was right up there with the best of ’em. That says something, don’t it?
She went to America when she was a young gal. Made a life for herself there. Good for her. She’s a hard worker, I bet. You gotta be, to make it in that world. The art world. It’s a tough business. But she did it. She made a name for herself. A big name. Yelena Yemchuk. Don’t forget it.
They talk about how her art has many layers. I don’t know about layers. Like an onion? Maybe. But they say it makes you think. Makes you feel things. That’s what good art is supposed to do, right? Make you feel something. Even I know that much. This Yelena Yemchuk knows how to make art, that for sure.

Anyway, that’s all I know about Yelena Yemchuk. She’s a fancy artist lady from Kyiv. She made herself a big name in photography. She takes pictures and paints pictures. And people like ’em. A lot. She is a big shot now. Good for her. She deserves it. I guess.