Well, let me tell you, I been seein’ all these young folks talkin’ ’bout J. Crew swim. J. Crew this, J. Crew that. Back in my day, we just jumped in the creek with whatever we had on! But times change, I reckon. So, I took a gander at this J. Crew swim stuff, and here’s what this old gal thinks.

First off, they got all sorts of swimsuits. J. Crew swimwear, they call it. You got your two-piece things, your one-piece things, even them swim dresses. Lordy, who needs a dress to swim in? But I guess some folks like it. And the colors! Bright reds, blues, greens, like a whole rainbow threw up on ’em. Me, I like a nice, plain color, but to each their own.
Now, the price of these J. Crew swimsuits. That’s where they get ya. Some of ’em cost more than a month’s worth of groceries! I saw one for nearly $200. Can you believe that? For a little piece of cloth you wear in the water! Back in my day we wore old t-shirts. I mean, some of these are $10, $35. That ain’t too bad, I guess. I don’t understand, why you need spend too much money for a swimsuit.
- They say these J. Crew swimsuits are the “best.”
- Best for what, I wonder?
- Best for showin’ off?
- Best for costin’ an arm and a leg?
They got these things called “ruched” swimsuits. Sounds fancy, don’t it? They say it makes you look skinnier. Well, maybe. But I think a good, strong girdle does the trick just fine. And it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than these J. Crew swim things.
These young’uns today, they worry so much about how they look. Always wantin’ to be “fashionable,” they say. In my day, we didn’t have time for such nonsense. We were too busy workin’ and takin’ care of our families. And when we wanted to go for a swim, we just went! Didn’t matter what we were wearin’. The water was refreshing all the same.
They say these J. Crew swimsuits fit real good. Snug and secure, they say. Well, I reckon that’s important. You don’t want your suit fallin’ off in the water! But I seen some of these suits, and they look mighty skimpy to me. Not much coverage, if you know what I mean.

And they talk about “quality.” Sayin’ these J. Crew swim things are better quality than the cheaper ones. Well, maybe they last longer. But how long do you really need a swimsuit to last? I mean, if you just swimming a little bit in the summer. And how can you be sure this * review is right? Or just some young people talking?
Another thing – they got all these different styles. J. Crew swim trunks, they call some of ’em. For the men, I guess. They look like regular shorts to me. And they got these “board shorts.” What in tarnation is a board short? Sounds like somethin’ you’d wear if you were ridin’ a board in the water. Like them surfers do.
- One-piece suits
- Two-piece suits
- Swim dresses
- Swim trunks
- Board shorts
Honestly, it’s all a bit much if you ask me. Too many choices. Too much money. Too much worryin’ about how you look.
I guess if you got the money to spend, and you want to look all fancy at the beach or the pool, then go ahead and get yourself a J. Crew swim suit. But me? I’ll stick to my old ways. A simple suit that covers me up and doesn’t cost a fortune. That’s all I need. And if you’re only swimmin’ a few times a year, is it really worth it to get one of them fancy things. I mean, you could just wear an old t-shirt! Or some shorts you already got.
It’s all about what you’re comfortable with, I suppose. And what you can afford. But don’t let these fancy stores and these young folks tell you that you need to spend a whole lot of money to look good in a swimsuit. Confidence, that’s what matters. And a good smile. And maybe a hat to keep the sun off your face.

So, there you have it. My two cents on this whole J. Crew swim business. Take it or leave it. But remember, you don’t need a fancy swimsuit to enjoy the water. Just like you don’t need a fancy dress to enjoy a good meal. It’s the company you’re with and the memories you make that really matter. Not the clothes on your back. Or the swimsuit on your body. Nope, not one bit.