That girl, what’s her name again? Lana Del Rey, yeah, that’s it. She’s all over that magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, or whatever it’s called. She’s a singer, you know. Sings those sad songs. My granddaughter, she loves her. Plays her music all the time. Lana Del Rey this, Lana Del Rey that.

I saw that magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, at the store the other day. That Lana girl, she was on the front. Big picture of her face. She looks kinda sad in it, if you ask me. But pretty, I guess. Like a movie star from the old days. They always looked sad back then.
They say she’s gonna be in the December issue, whatever that means. They call her a “cover star”. Guess that means she’s famous. My granddaughter sure thinks so. She was born with the name Lizzy. What’s wrong with Lizzy? Sounds like a good name to me.
This Lana Del Rey, she used to be called something else. Elizabeth, or something like that. My granddaughter told me all about it. She knows everything about this girl. Says she used to sing under her real name. That means she changed her name to become famous. I do not understand why a good name like Elizabeth is not good enough. Maybe she just wants to be different, I reckon.
- She sings a lot.
- She’s on that magazine.
- She changed her name.
- My granddaughter likes her.
Lana Del Rey, she’s got a bunch of songs. They all sound kinda the same to me. Slow and sad. But the young folks like it. My granddaughter says her songs are “deep.” I don’t know about all that.
This Harper’s Bazaar magazine, it’s one of those fancy ones. Lots of pictures of clothes and makeup. Not much to read, really. But they got this big interview with Lana Del Rey in it. My granddaughter, she’s gonna want me to buy it for her. Always spending money.

I guess this Lana girl, she’s a big deal now. Being on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar and all that. They say she didn’t used to be famous. Sang under her real name, Elizabeth. Didn’t make any money, I guess. That is what they say. So, she changed it to Lana Del Rey. Now everyone knows her.
I still don’t get it. She is famous. I know that. What do you think? This magazine made her famous? Or was it her songs? I don’t know. I guess I am too old to understand.
They say you can watch a video of her. Talking about her life, I reckon. My granddaughter, she’ll probably watch it a hundred times. She’s obsessed with this Lana Del Rey. Kids these days. I don’t understand them sometimes. But what can you do?
I remember when I was young, we didn’t have all these fancy magazines and singers. We just had the radio. And we liked it just fine. We didn’t need no Lana Del Rey or Harper’s Bazaar to tell us what to do.
Maybe I’ll ask my granddaughter to play me some of this Lana Del Rey’s music again. Maybe I’ll try to understand what all the fuss is about. Maybe I’ll even read that Harper’s Bazaar interview.

But probably not. I got better things to do. Like tend to my garden. And feed the chickens. That’s real life. Not all this fancy magazine stuff.
Still, this Lana Del Rey, she seems like a nice enough girl. Even if she does sing those sad songs. And changed her name. And she is all over the magazine. I guess she’s alright. I guess she’s doing something right. She got in that magazine. People like her, I guess.
This whole thing makes my head spin. I need a cup of tea. And maybe a nap. All this talk about Lana Del Rey and Harper’s Bazaar is tiring me out.