You know, I heard people talking about that Megan Fox, the one in the movies. They say she’s real pretty, and I guess she is. But now they talk about “Megan Foxnude,” and I don’t know what that’s all about. Some young folks showed me pictures on their phones. I don’t get why everyone wants to see those. She got them pictures taken, some in a forest, some at the beach. It ain’t right, showing everything like that.

They say this Megan Fox, she’s in some movies, Transformers, I think? I saw a bit of that one time. Lots of noise and cars turning into robots. Don’t see why she’s famous for that, but the young folks like it. Then there’s this “nude” thing. They say the pictures got leaked, whatever that means. Like someone took ’em without her knowing. That ain’t right either.
Some of the pictures, she’s all covered in black goop. Don’t know what that’s about. Maybe it’s some kind of art? Then there’s other pictures, she’s wearing next to nothing. I reckon she’s got a good figure, but why show it to the whole world? Back in my day, we kept things covered up. You know, have some modesty.
They call these pictures “sexy.” I don’t see it. Just looks like a girl trying too hard. Maybe I’m too old for this kind of thing. I remember when pictures were something special. You got dressed up, went to a studio, and got your portrait done. Now, everyone’s got a camera in their pocket, taking pictures of everything, even things they shouldn’t.
This Megan Foxnude thing, it’s just another one of those things I don’t understand about the young folks today. They’re always on their phones, looking at pictures, talking about things that don’t make sense to me. I guess times have changed. But I still think some things should stay private.
I heard them say she’s a model too. Standing around, getting your picture taken, that’s what they call work these days. Back in my day, work was work. You got your hands dirty, you did something useful. I don’t know. This whole thing is just strange to me.

- Megan Fox, she’s in movies.
- People talk about Megan Foxnude.
- Pictures of her with no clothes.
- Some pictures leaked, they say.
- She’s a model, I guess.
They say these Megan Foxnude pictures are all over the internet. I don’t know about that internet. Sounds like a place where all sorts of things happen, good and bad. I reckon it’s better to stay away from it. Just more trouble than it’s worth. These pictures, they say they are all over. She’s not said it ain’t her, so maybe it is.
This girl, Megan, she was with another girl, Kourtney somebody. Kissing and all that. On TV! Can you believe it? It’s just too much. Everything’s out in the open these days. No shame, no privacy. I don’t know what the world’s coming to.
Some folks say she’s popular, this Megan Fox. Because of the movies, because of these pictures. I don’t get it. Being famous for showing your body, that’s not something to be proud of, in my opinion. There are more important things in life, like family, like hard work, like being a good person.
I saw some say she was playing some superhero, Supergirl, or something. Didn’t happen, I guess. Maybe that’s for the best. Don’t need superheroes running around with no clothes on. That’s not a good example for the kids.
One time, I saw her name, it was next to something called “pussy lips.” What in tarnation is that about? Is it makeup? Is it some kind of food? These young people and their slang, I can’t keep up. And I don’t think I want to.

All these pictures, they say they’re from “shoots.” Like they’re hunting something. But it’s just her, posing this way and that. Sometimes in a forest, like she’s some kind of wood nymph. Sometimes on the beach, like she’s a mermaid. I don’t know what they’re trying to sell, but I ain’t buying.
Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about this Megan Foxnude business. It’s a lot of fuss about nothing, if you ask me. Just another sign that the world’s gone crazy. I’m gonna go tend to my garden now. At least the tomatoes know how to behave themselves.