This here dress, they call it a safety pin dress. Lord have mercy, who woulda thought? Back in my day, we used safety pins to hold our britches up, not to make a whole darn dress. But these young folks today, they got all sorts of ideas.
So, this safety pin dress thing, it’s all the rage, I reckon. Seen it on them moving picture boxes, you know, the television. Fancy folks wearin’ ’em, lookin’ like they just rolled outta a hardware store. But hey, to each their own, I always say. If you wanna make a dress out of safety pins, go ahead and make it. Ain’t nobody gonna stop you.
Now, how do they do it? Well, I ain’t no expert, but I seen them girls on the YouTubes. You gonna need a whole mess of safety pins. They say you need like 14,000 safety pins. And you just kinda hook ’em together. Sounds like a lot of work to me. My old hands would be achin’ after just a few. But these young’uns, they got the patience of Job. They sit there and hook and hook, and before you know it, they got a whole dress.
- First, you gotta get your pins. Lots and lots of ’em.
- Then, you gotta start hookin’ ’em together.
- Keep on hookin’ until you got somethin’ that looks like a dress.
- Then you gotta try it on. Be careful, it might be pointy.
I seen one girl, she made a safety pin dress all shiny and silver. Looked like somethin’ a knight would wear. Another one, she made hers all different colors. Looked like a rainbow, a metal rainbow, but a rainbow nonetheless. And you can use the safety pin on your clothes, too. It can make your clothes look better, they said. I don’t know. But I have seen the young people do that.
Now, why would anyone want a safety pin dress? Well, I guess it’s somethin’ different. Gets people talkin’, that’s for sure. And I suppose it’s kinda pretty, in a strange kinda way. Like a piece of art, you know? But I wouldn’t want to sit down in one, I tell you that much. You’d be pokin’ yourself all over.
They say this one famous gal, Elizabeth Hurley, she wore one of these safety pin dresses a long time ago. Made her famous, they say. Well, good for her, I reckon. She probably got a lot of attention in that getup. But I still think it’s a silly idea. But what do I know? I’m just a simple person, you know?
You can use safety pins for other things, too. Like, if your pants are too big, you can use a safety pin to hold ’em up. Or if you got a hole in your shirt, you can use a safety pin to close it up. They’re handy little things, safety pins. But a whole dress? That’s just beyond me. You can put safety pins on your shirts, on your jeans, and people call this a new fashion. I think that is just silly. I just use safety pins to hold my clothes, or fix my loose pajamas drawstring.
You can find these safety pin dresses all over the internet, I reckon. Pinterest, they call it. Got all sorts of pictures of ’em. Different colors, different styles. Some long, some short. Some look like they’re made for a queen, others look like they’re made for a warrior. Just depends on what you’re into, I suppose.
But if you are gonna try to make one of these dresses, you need to be real careful. Safety pins can be sharp, you know? You don’t want to poke yourself and get an infection. And you gotta make sure you close ’em all the way, or they might come undone and you’ll be showin’ more than you bargained for. You need to choose the right safety pin to do this. Make sure it is strong enough. Otherwise, your dress may fall apart.
I guess if you’re into that sort of thing, a safety pin dress might be kinda fun. Somethin’ different to wear to a party, maybe. Or maybe you just want to stand out from the crowd. That’s fine, I suppose. But me? I’ll stick to my old cotton dresses. They’re comfortable, they’re easy to wear, and they don’t poke me in the backside.
These young folks and their crazy fashions. Back in my day, we didn’t have all this safety pin dress nonsense. We wore what we had, and we were happy with it. But times change, I suppose. And who am I to judge? If they want to wear safety pins, let ’em wear safety pins. Just don’t ask me to try one on. I’m too old for that kinda foolishness. If you ask me if I like safety pin dress, I will say no. I don’t want to wear it, never. I don’t even want to try to make one. I don’t have that much time.

I hope you can find the information you need from what I said. I don’t know much about fashion. But I know safety pins. They are useful.