Well, well, well, lookie here! That little Simone Biles, the gymnast gal, she done went and got hitched! I seen it all over them picture boxes, the wedding and all. She’s the one always doin’ flips and whatnot, right? Tiny little thing, but strong as an ox, I tell ya. I remember watching her on the TV, jumpin’ higher than a grasshopper in July.

Simon Biles Wedding Dress (A Look at Her Stunning Gown and Bridal Style Choices)

This Simone Biles wedding, it was somethin’ else. She got married to that football fella, Jonathan Owens. He’s a big, strapping lad, that one. Good for her, findin’ a man that can keep up with her. She deserves a good one, that Simone. Works her tail off, she does. Ain’t no lazy bones about her. My old bones could never do what she does. My back hurts just thinking about it.

They got married in some fancy place, Cabo, I reckon. Not like the weddings we used to have back in my day. We just went down to the courthouse, got it done, and had a potluck after. But these young folks, they like to do things big. Good for them, I say. If you got the money, why not? This Simone Biles wedding, well, it probably cost more than my whole house!

She had a pretty white dress, that Simone did. Looked like a princess. ‘Course, any gal looks good in a white dress on her weddin’ day. Even old me looked alright back when I got hitched to Earl. That was a long time ago, now. Time sure does fly when you’re havin’ fun, or raisin’ a bunch of young’uns, like I did.

They had a big party, I reckon. Lots of folks there, all dressed up. Probably had fancy food, too. Not like the food we have here. We like it simple. Meat and potatoes, that’s the ticket. Though I do like a good piece of cake now and then. Wonder if they had cake at that Simone Biles wedding? Bet they did. A big, fancy one, probably.

That Simone, she seems happy. And that’s all that matters, right? Findin’ someone who makes you happy. Someone who loves you for who you are. That’s what Earl did for me, God rest his soul. We had our ups and downs, like any couple, but we always had each other. That’s the secret, I think. To a good, long marriage. Communication, too. Talking things out, even when you don’t want to. And a little bit of patience, Lord knows, that helps a lot.

Simon Biles Wedding Dress (A Look at Her Stunning Gown and Bridal Style Choices)

Here are some things that wedding reminded me of, that are important for a good life, like what I hope Simone has:

  • Find a good man: Someone who’s kind, and strong, and will treat you right.
  • Work hard: Nothin’ in life comes easy. You gotta work for what you want.
  • Be happy: Life’s too short to be miserable. Find what makes you happy and hold onto it.
  • Family is important: They’re the ones who will always be there for you, no matter what.
  • Eat good food: A good meal can fix just about anything.

This Simone Biles wedding, it got me thinkin’ about all that. About life, and love, and family. And about how fast time goes by. Seems like just yesterday I was a young bride myself. Now look at me, an old hen cluckin’ about weddin’s.

Anyways, I hope that Simone and her fella have a long and happy life together. They seem like good kids. And they sure do look good together. She’s a lucky gal, that Simone. And he’s a lucky fella, too. She’s a firecracker, that one. Gonna keep him on his toes, I bet.

I hope they have a bunch of young’uns, if that’s what they want. Kids are a blessin’, even when they’re drivin’ you crazy. They keep you young, that’s for sure. Though they also make you old before your time! It’s a funny thing, life.

Well, I best be goin’. Got chores to do. Chickens need feedin’, and the garden needs tendin’. Life goes on, even when famous folks are havin’ their fancy Simone Biles wedding. But it’s nice to see folks happy. It gives this old heart a little bit of joy. You know what I mean?

Simon Biles Wedding Dress (A Look at Her Stunning Gown and Bridal Style Choices)

I seen some pictures of that dress she wore, looked like somethin’ out of one of them old-timey movies. All them fancy dresses, they sure are somethin’. Nowadays, folks just wear whatever. Back in my day, you dressed up for special occasions. Now, it’s all these jeans and t-shirts. Times change, I guess. But a pretty dress is still a pretty dress. And that Simone, she looked mighty pretty in hers. I hope her and that football husband of hers have a real nice life. They are just starting their new life, gotta make sure they keep each other happy. That’s all I gotta say about that.


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