Oh, honey, let me tell you, finding some good unmentionables when you’re a gal of a certain… size, and, well, you weren’t born with all the right bits, it ain’t easy. But a girl’s gotta have her pretty things, right? Even if we ain’t exactly built like them skinny things on the TV. And some of us, we got a little extra something, you know? Like, we weren’t born girls, but we sure are now. That’s what them fancy folks call a plus size shemale. I heard that word somewhere. Sounds kinda funny, but I guess it fits. We big girls, and we got that… surprise, haha. And we like our lingerie, just like everyone else!

Where to Find Plus Size Shemale in Lingerie Content Online Today

Now, I ain’t no spring chicken, and my eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I’ve been around the block a few times, looking for some decent skivvies. It used to be, you couldn’t find nothin’ that fit right, or it was just plain ugly. Like wearin’ a feed sack, I swear. And don’t even get me started on them shops that treat you like you got the plague or somethin’ just ’cause you’re a little different. It’s enough to make a girl wanna give up and just wear her husband’s old long johns! But these days, things is gettin’ a little better, I reckon. I heard tell of some places that got plus size lingerie for shemales and other girls like me, and they don’t make you feel like a freak show neither.

First, you gotta figure out what you’re lookin’ for. You want somethin’ to hold the girls up? Somethin’ to smooth out the lumps and bumps? Or maybe somethin’ to hide that little extra somethin’ down below? There’s all kinds of stuff out there. They got these things called “tucking underwear”. I ain’t exactly sure how they work, but I hear they do wonders. Then there’s these other things called “binders”. Now, that sounds like somethin’ you’d use for school papers, but I guess it helps flatten things out up top if that’s what you’re after.

  • Tucking underwear: Good for hidin’ that little somethin’ extra.
  • Binders: I guess they make things flatter on top.
  • Big bras: Gotta have these if you got big… you know.
  • Shapewear: Smooths out all the jiggly bits.

Now, where do you find these things? Well, I hear there’s some stores, like, I think one’s called Dillard’s? Sounds fancy. They got all kinds of plus size stuff, even for sleepin’ and just loungin’ around. They even got plus size panties, which can be right hard to find in a size that don’t cut you in half. It is good for plus size shemale in lingerie. I also heard about another place, Ashley Stewart. They’re supposed to have all the sexy stuff, like them babydolls and bustiers, whatever those are. Sounds like somethin’ a fancy lady would wear. And they got ’em in full figure sizes, so you know they’ll fit us bigger gals.

I even seen somethin’ about a store called Macy’s, with pretty lace and all that. And they got free shipping, which is good ’cause sometimes you just don’t wanna go out and deal with people starin’. I ain’t too good with that computer thing, but I reckon a young person could help you find it. Just gotta type in what you’re lookin’ for, like “plus size lingerie” or somethin’. You will find many sexy lingerie. And make sure you get the right size. Nothin’ worse than gettin’ somethin’ too small and feelin’ like a sausage in a casing.

And they got all kinds of styles, too. Lace, satin, that shiny stuff… whatever floats your boat. Just ’cause we’re big and maybe a little different don’t mean we can’t be pretty. And hey, if you got a special someone, I bet they’d appreciate you lookin’ nice, too. Even if you ain’t got a man, it’s nice to feel good about yourself. Puttin’ on some pretty lingerie can make you feel like a whole new woman. I don’t care who you are. Also, there is a kind called crossdresser. I think it is also good for us.

Where to Find Plus Size Shemale in Lingerie Content Online Today

This one time, I found this pretty red thing, all lacy and whatnot. It was a little snug, but I squeezed myself into it. Felt like a million bucks, I tell ya. Even if I did look a little like a overstuffed Christmas ham. My old man, bless his heart, he didn’t know what to make of it. But he sure did like it! So, you see, even us plus size shemales can find some pretty lingerie and feel good about ourselves. Just gotta know where to look and not be afraid to try somethin’ new.

They have this set, right? Brushed Lingerie Set, it’s called. And it’s got this fancy lace trim. Sounds real elegant, don’t it? Might be just the thing for a special occasion. Or just for feelin’ fancy on a Tuesday, who knows! And if you want somethin’ to really show off your curves, they got these Criss-cross Bra Lace Cup things. Sounds a little complicated, but I bet they look real pretty on. You can find them online, I hear. They got pictures and everything. Just make sure you get the right size. And don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. These young folks today, they know all about this stuff. Us old folks need to keep up.

So, there you have it. Just ’cause you’re a big girl, and maybe a little different, don’t mean you can’t have some pretty things. You just gotta know where to look and what to look for. And don’t let nobody tell you you can’t be sexy, ’cause you can. We all can. Every woman deserves to feel good in her own skin, no matter what size she is or what parts she’s got. Now, go on and find yourself somethin’ pretty! You deserve it, honey.


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