Well, let me tell ya, I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout this Addison Rae girl. Never heard of her myself, but seems like a lot of fuss is bein’ made. They say there’s all sorts of pictures and videos of her, you know, the kind you wouldn’t show your grandma. Naked pictures, they call ’em. And not just regular naked pictures, but these “deepfake” ones.

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Now, I ain’t no spring chicken, and I don’t understand all this newfangled technology. But from what I gather, these deepfakes, they ain’t real. Someone’s takin’ pictures and videos of this girl and fiddlin’ with them, makin’ her do things she probably never did. It’s like puttin’ someone else’s head on another person’s body, only it’s all done with computers and whatnot.

  • They say these deepfakes are everywhere on the internet. Websites with names I can’t even pronounce. Sounds like a den of sin if you ask me.
  • And folks are watchin’ ’em! Can you believe it? Staring at pictures and videos that ain’t even real, gettin’ their kicks from it. Makes you wonder what the world’s comin’ to.
  • And this ain’t just happenin’ to this Addison Rae girl. Seems like they’re doin’ it to all sorts of famous folks. Movie stars, singers, even those youngsters dancin’ on that TikTok thingamajig.

I tell ya, it’s a shame. This girl, whoever she is, she’s probably just tryin’ to make a livin’, and here are these folks messin’ with her image, spreadin’ around these fake pictures and videos. It ain’t right, I tell ya. It just ain’t right.

Makes me think back to my younger days. We didn’t have no internet, no cell phones, none of that. If you wanted to see a picture, you had to go to a picture show or look in a magazine. And you sure as heck didn’t see nothin’ like these deepfakes. People had respect, you know? They wouldn’t go around makin’ up lies about someone and sharin’ it with the whole world.

But now, it’s like anything goes. Folks are hidin’ behind their computers, doin’ all sorts of things they wouldn’t dare do face-to-face. It’s a cowardly thing, if you ask me. And it’s hurtin’ people, real people. This Addison Rae girl, she’s probably got family, friends. Imagine how they feel seein’ all this stuff. It’s gotta be heartbreaking.

And what about the young folks? They’re growin’ up in a world where this kind of thing is normal. They see these deepfakes, and they think it’s okay. They think it’s okay to lie, to deceive, to treat people like objects. It’s a dangerous path we’re on, I tell ya. A real dangerous path.

addison rae porn

I just hope folks will wake up and realize what’s goin’ on. This ain’t entertainment, this ain’t harmless fun. This is wrong, plain and simple. And we need to do somethin’ about it. We need to teach our children about respect, about honesty, about treatin’ others the way we want to be treated. That’s the only way we’re gonna fix this mess.

So, next time you hear someone talkin’ ’bout these deepfakes, you tell ’em what you heard from this old lady. Tell ’em it ain’t right, and it ain’t funny. Tell ’em to think about the people they’re hurtin’. Maybe, just maybe, we can make a difference. Maybe we can bring some decency back to this world. One thing’s for sure, this Addison Rae girl, she deserves better than this. And so do all them other folks they’re messin’ with.

And let me tell you somethin’ else, them websites, them places where they put all them nasty pictures and videos. They ought to be ashamed of themselves. Preyin’ on folks, makin’ money off someone else’s misery. It’s just plain wrong. They need to be shut down, I tell ya, shut down and fast.

Now, I may be just a simple old woman, but I know right from wrong. And this, this whole deepfake business, it’s just plain wrong. It’s time we stood up and said somethin’ about it. It’s time we protected these folks, these young folks especially, from this kind of exploitation. It’s time we took back our decency.

Tags: [Addison Rae, deepfake, porn, celebrity, fake, videos, photos, nudes, scandal, internet]

addison rae porn


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