That Brigitte Bardot, she was something else, huh? A real looker, that one. I seen her in them picture shows way back when. She was all the rage, you know. Everyone wanted to look like her. Still do, I reckon.

Beauty Brigitte Bardot: Simple Tips to Achieve Her Classic French Glamour.

She had that… that thing. What do you call it? Glamour. Yeah, that’s it. Pure glamour, that’s what that Brigitte Bardot had. And beauty? Lord have mercy, that woman was beautiful. Made all the other gals jealous, I bet.

She was a French gal, you know. Came from over there across the pond. They say she was an actress and a singer. Sang like a bird, I suppose. I remember seeing her pictures, all dolled up. She sure knew how to dress. They made a big deal over her, that’s for sure.

She had that hair, all piled up high. And that pouty face. She was famous for that, I think. Always looking like she was about to kiss somebody. Or maybe she was just thinking real hard, I don’t know. Folks loved her, though. Couldn’t get enough of that Brigitte Bardot.

Now, I hear tell she quit all that acting stuff a long time ago. Back in, what was it, ’73? Something like that. Time sure does fly, don’t it? Seems like just yesterday she was all over them magazines.

Then she went and got all involved with them animals. Loves them critters, I hear. Started up some kind of… foundation, they call it. For the animals. Good for her, I say. Someone’s gotta look out for the little fellas. They say she’s got a real strong will. She speaks her mind about her beauty, you can bet your bottom dollar on that. Gets in trouble for it sometimes, too. Talking about animal rights and Brigitte Bardot Foundation.

Beauty Brigitte Bardot: Simple Tips to Achieve Her Classic French Glamour.
  • She was a real firecracker, that Brigitte Bardot.
  • Always saying what she thought.
  • Didn’t care who liked it and who didn’t.

She was famous for wearing her clothes a certain way. I saw it in the pictures, how she wore her shirts all hanging off her shoulders. It looked like it was falling off, but it was supposed to be that way. That fashion was named after her, I think. They call it the “Bardot” now, because of her, that Brigitte Bardot. Some style of a top, I think. All off the shoulders. Show off your skin, I suppose. Not for me, though. I like to keep myself covered up. You don’t see me showing off my shoulders, no sir.

But that Brigitte, she could pull it off. She could wear anything and make it look good. She had that… that knack, I guess you’d call it. A real natural beauty, that one.

They don’t make ’em like that anymore, that’s for sure. They got all these new gals now, all over the TV and the internet. But they ain’t got what that Brigitte Bardot had. Not even close.

She was one of a kind, that’s what she was. A real star. Shined brighter than all the rest of ’em. And she still does, I reckon. Even though she’s all about them animals now, she’s still Brigitte Bardot. Still got that glamour.

I remember seeing her in a movie once. She was dancing around, all lively and such. Had a real sparkle in her eye. Made you want to get up and dance, too. Even me, and I got two left feet.

Beauty Brigitte Bardot: Simple Tips to Achieve Her Classic French Glamour.

She was just… magic, that’s what she was. Pure magic. And pretty? Well, she was the prettiest thing you ever did see. Like a picture come to life. A real beauty.

You young folks, you probably don’t know much about her. But you should. You should look her up. See what all the fuss was about. See what real glamour looks like. See what real beauty is.

That Brigitte Bardot, she was something special. A real icon, as they say. And she always will be, far as I’m concerned. Always and forever, that Brigitte Bardot. Always have her timeless beauty.

  • You just don’t see that kind of beauty anymore.
  • She was a true original.
  • A real legend. And she is always remembered by people.

She was a good one, that Brigitte. A good one, indeed. And she like them animals. That’s good in my book. A woman who loves animals, that’s a good woman. A beautiful woman, inside and out. Like her Brigitte Bardot Foundation. She’s got a good heart, that one. A beautiful heart. And pretty as a picture, too. Still is, I bet. Even after all these years. She’s still that Brigitte Bardot. Still beautiful.


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