Okay, so, being a boy mom. What can I say? It’s like, the wildest ride ever. I remember when my little guy was just a toddler.

Boy mom life: whats it really like being a boy mom? Learn from my experience!

We started with the basics, you know? Trying to teach him to use the potty, getting him to eat his veggies, the usual stuff. But, oh boy, was it a mess!

  • First off, potty training. Let me tell you, that was an adventure. We had more accidents than successes in the beginning. I spent days cleaning up little puddles all over the house. It was like a never-ending cycle of laundry and mopping. But, we kept at it. I got a little potty seat, made a big deal out of every successful trip, and eventually, he got the hang of it.
  • Then there’s the eating thing. Getting a little boy to eat anything green? Forget about it! I tried everything. Hiding veggies in his favorite foods, making funny faces on his plate, even bribing him with dessert. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. I learned to pick my battles. If he ate anything at all, I counted it as a win.

As he grew older, the challenges changed. It was less about bodily fluids and more about, well, everything else.

  • One day, he decided he was Spider-Man. He climbed on everything – the furniture, the counters, even the trees outside. I spent half my time making sure he didn’t break a bone!
  • And the noise! Boys are just naturally loud. They bang on things, they yell, they make all sorts of weird sound effects. My house went from being relatively quiet to a constant state of chaos. But, I realized that it is the sound of life, of joy, so I endure it.
  • But the real issue was when he started school. Suddenly, I was dealing with homework battles, friend drama, and the dreaded school projects. I can’t tell you how many times I stayed up late helping him build a volcano or write a book report.

Being a “Boy Mom” is definitely a learning curve

I had to learn to let go a little, to let him make his own mistakes, even if it meant a few bumps and bruises along the way. We also had a lot of fun. We played in the dirt, built forts, and had epic water balloon fights. I even learned how to play video games, just so I could connect with him on his level.

Being a boy mom has taught me so much. I learned to be more patient, more resilient, and definitely more flexible. It’s not always easy, but it’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. I get to be his first love, his protector, his biggest fan. And really, he will be my hero even if it is just in my eyes, no matter what, I will always be his mom.

And you know what? I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Being a boy mom is an adventure, a challenge, and a whole lot of love, all rolled into one messy, beautiful package.

Boy mom life: whats it really like being a boy mom? Learn from my experience!


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