That Damiano David, he’s a real big shot now, ain’t he? Heard he’s going all over the place next year, that Damiano David moving. Big singer, that one. From that Italian band, Mneskin, you know? My granddaughter, she listens to them all the time. Loud, it is. But that Damiano, he’s the one she likes best. Says he’s got a good voice.

Damiano David Moving: See Where the Måneskin Star is Headed Next

Well, now he’s gonna be all on his own, singing his own songs. Damiano David solo tour, they call it. Imagine that! All by himself, not with the other ones. He must be feeling pretty good about himself, I reckon. My granddaughter, she’s real excited about it. She said he starts in September, that’s a long wait, but she’s happy.

He’s going everywhere, this Damiano David. Poland, that’s where he’s starting. September, he’s gonna be in Poland. Then, I don’t know where all else, but I heard lots of places. Even in America. My old neighbor, she moved to America, she did. Wonder if she’ll go see him? She never listens to music like that, I think.

He’s got some new songs, too. This boy, he’s busy. One’s called “Born with a Broken Heart” and I think the other one is “Silverlines” or something like that. Don’t know what they mean, but they sound kinda sad, don’t they? Maybe he’s singing about his love life. Who knows with these young folks. They sing about all sorts of things.

They say he’s young, this Damiano David. Only 25, I heard. That’s younger than my oldest boy. Imagine that, 25 and going all over the world. Back in my day, we didn’t go gallivanting around like that. We stayed put, worked hard. Different times, I guess. It’s a Damiano David world tour, I tell ya. A whole world tour! Can you believe it?

  • He’s from Italy, this one.
  • He’s the singer in that Mneskin band.
  • He’s going on his own tour.
  • Starting in Poland, in September.
  • He’s got new songs.

This band, Mneskin, they’re all from Rome, I hear. That’s in Italy, you know. Heard it’s a pretty place. Never been, myself. Too far. And this Damiano David, he’s the one who sings the most in that band. He’s the lead singer. Then there’s a girl who plays the, uh, the bass, I think they call it. And another one plays the guitar. And a drummer. Four of them, all together. But now, this Damiano David, he’s going it alone. Big shot, like I said.

Damiano David Moving: See Where the Måneskin Star is Headed Next

They say he’s adding more shows, too. More places he’s gonna go. This Damiano David moving thing is big, I guess. Lots of people wanna see him. He must be pretty good, then. My granddaughter, she thinks so. And that girl at the grocery store, she was talking about it, too. Seems everyone’s talking about this Damiano David tour. This Damiano David solo tour 2025 will be a big hit, I think.

He was on that MTV thing, too, I saw. My granddaughter, she showed me. He was all dressed up. Looked different than he usually does, I thought. But still him. This Damiano David, he’s getting famous, ain’t he? Real famous. I don’t know what he said on MTV, but it must be important.

Wonder what his mama thinks of all this? Must be proud, I reckon. Her boy, going all over the world, singing his songs. Hope he doesn’t get into too much trouble, though. These young folks, they can be wild. But he seems like a good boy. Just a little loud, maybe. That’s what my granddaughter says, anyway. She said Damiano is her favorite, she loves Damiano David from Mneskin very much.

Well, I guess that’s all I know about this Damiano David and his moving around. He’s a busy one, that’s for sure. Going places. Singing songs. Making a name for himself. Good for him, I say. Good for him. I just hope he remembers where he came from, that’s all. Remember your roots, that’s what I always say. Even if you’re going on a big old Damiano David solo tour, you gotta remember where you came from.


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