Oh, honey, you won’t believe the sight! This Jewlery Expo, it’s somethin’ else. So many shiny things, my eyes almost popped out!
First off, you walk in and bam! Lights everywhere, like fireflies in a jar, but brighter. And the colors! Reds, blues, greens, like a rainbow done exploded. I saw so many gems and jewellery in one place, it was almost too much for this old gal. But I kept lookin’, you bet I did!
Sparkly Things Everywhere
They got these long tables, you know, like the ones we use for potlucks down at the church. But instead of potato salad and green bean casserole, they’re covered in jewelry. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings…you name it, they got it. And not just any old stuff, mind you. This is the fancy kind.
- Gold that shines like the sun.
- Silver brighter than a new dime.
- Stones that sparkle like a star-filled sky.
I saw this one necklace, oh lordy, it was a sight. Big, sparkly stones, all different colors. Reminded me of candy, but you wouldn’t want to eat these, no sir! I asked the man how much it cost, and he said a number so big, I nearly fainted. More money than I’ve ever seen in my whole life!
Lots of Fancy Folks
And the people! Dressed up so fine, like they’re goin’ to a wedding or somethin’. Lots of suits and fancy dresses. Not like back home, where everyone’s in overalls and such. It was like the Jewellery Exhibition was a different world. I felt a little out of place, I gotta admit. But everyone was real nice, smilin’ and sayin’ hello. They probably thought I was some rich old lady, ha! If only they knew.
They had these little signs next to everything, tellin’ you what it was and where it came from. Lots of Italian Jewellery and stuff from places I ain’t never even heard of. One place was called, oh, what was it… Oak Brook? Sounded fancy. They had all kind of Bridal Gowns Shops at this place called Luxury Bridal Expo Drury Lane Theatre. That’s a mouthful, ain’t it?

I saw this one ring, it was so pretty. Tiny little diamonds, all in a row. Reminded me of the ring my husband gave me when he proposed. It wasn’t as fancy as that one, of course. But it meant the world to me. I still wear it every day, even though he’s gone now.
Shiny New Things
They had all these new-fangled things, too. Machines makin’ jewelry right there. Never seen nothin’ like it. Back in my day, you had to make everything by hand. Took forever! Now they got these machines that do it all in a jiffy. They called it T-GOLD Jewelry or somethin’. Said it was the new way of doin’ things. Progress, I guess. This was the Jewelry Exhibition Trade fair I guess.
I saw these young folks, all excited about the jewelry trends. They kept talkin’ about what’s gonna be popular in 2024. Who knows what these young people will be wearin’ next year! Back in my day, we just wore what we had, and we were happy with it. They called it the Bologna Mineral Show, I don’t know. All these young people talking about Tiffany Wonder and other stuff I don’t understand.
A Day to Remember
Well, I spent the whole day lookin’ at all the pretty things. Didn’t buy nothin’, of course. Couldn’t afford it! But it was fun to look. Like bein’ in a dream, almost. A sparkly, shiny dream. It was a real Jewlery Expo.
I’m back home now, and everything seems so plain. But I got my memories, and that’s somethin’. Maybe one day I’ll go back to that Jewlery Expo. Just to look, of course. A gal can dream, can’t she?