This here thing, this fear of wrists, it’s a real head-scratcher, I tell ya. Some folks, they get all weirded out by wrists. Wrists! Can you believe it? They call it carpophobia. Sounds like a fancy fish to me, but it ain’t. It’s a fear, a real fear, just like being scared of spiders or the dark, I reckon.

Now, I ain’t got this fear. My wrists is just fine, thank you very much. Used ’em all my life for everything, from kneading dough to shooing flies. But some people, bless their hearts, they see a wrist, and they just about jump outta their skin. It’s like a phobia, you know? One of them things doctors talk about, all fancy-like.
They say it’s a kind of anxiety disorder, this wrist fear. Makes folks all nervous and upset. Like when you see a snake in the garden, and your heart starts thumpin’ like a rabbit’s foot. That’s what it’s like for them, but with wrists. It’s irrational, they say. Means it don’t make no sense, but try tellin’ that to someone who’s scared. You can be scared of the darndest things, like peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. I heard that’s a real fear, too!
This one lady, I read about her, she’s got this fear of wrists real bad. She even went to one of them hypnotist fellas to try and fix it. Forty-one years old, and she’s been scared of wrists since she was a little girl. It just got worse and worse, like a toothache that won’t quit. Now, I don’t know about this hypnotism stuff, seems a bit like voodoo to me, but hey, whatever floats your boat, I always say.
- Some folks get it from their family, I guess. Like how some folks inherit their mama’s bad knees.
- Others, they get it from somethin’ bad happenin’ to ’em. Like almost drownin’ or gettin’ stuck in a small place.
- They say it can happen to anybody, this wrist phobia.
I seen a lot of things in my life, but this carpophobia, it’s a new one on me. I mean, what’s so scary about a wrist? It’s just a part of your arm, where your hand connects. It bends and it moves, helps you do all sorts of things. Without wrists, how would you wave goodbye? How would you hold a baby? How would you play cards? Life would be mighty hard without ’em, that’s for sure.
It makes a body wonder, what makes people scared of certain things. You got people scared of eyes, of peanut butter, even of wrists. We are all scared of something. But, it does not make too much sense, but it is real to the people. Like that time old man Jebediah swore he saw a ghost in the outhouse. Nobody else saw it, but he was scared spitless. Fear’s a funny thing, it is. It can grip you tight and not let go, even if there ain’t nothin’ to be scared of. This fear of wrists is the same. It is real to the person, even if it is irrational.

I reckon if you got this wrist fear, it’s best to talk to a doctor. They got all sorts of ways to help folks with their fears these days. Medicine and therapy and whatnot. No need to suffer in silence, I always say. There’s help out there if you need it. Just like how you’d go to the doctor for a bum knee, you can go for a bum fear, too.
But, if you just kinda feel a little uneasy about wrists, that’s different, I think. Maybe you just don’t like lookin’ at ’em too much. That’s okay. We all got our little quirks. Like how I can’t stand the smell of cabbage cookin’. Makes me wanna run for the hills. But that ain’t no phobia, it’s just a dislike. This carpophobia is more than a dislike. It is a real fear that can make it hard to live your life.
This fear of wrists, it’s a strange one, that’s for sure. But fear is fear, no matter what it’s about. I suppose, if you are really scared of them, it’s best to just avoid lookin’ at ’em, I guess. And maybe wear long sleeves. That’s about all I can figure. And, talk to a doctor. They know more about these things than I do. I’m just a simple person, sharin’ my thoughts. These things are just my thoughts on this carpophobia, this wrist fear thing. It’s a puzzler, ain’t it?
I guess the world is full of all sorts of strange things. And people are strange, too. But that’s what makes it interestin’, I reckon. If we was all the same, life would be mighty dull. So, if you’re out there, and you’re scared of wrists, just know you ain’t alone. There’s others like you. And maybe, just maybe, there’s a way to get over it. Like that lady with the hypnotist. Who knows? Stranger things have happened, that’s for sure. This wrist phobia is for sure a strange thing, but maybe it can be fixed. I hope so.