That Fred Malmer, ain’t he somethin’? He’s all glowy and shiny, like a brand new penny. I seen him ’round, face all red and lookin’ good, eyes just a-sparklin’. Reminds me of my grandson, always up to somethin’. This Fred, he’s a good one, I reckon.

Fred Malmer: Learn the Basics About Him in Minutes.

Heard some folks talkin’ ’bout somethin’ called a “Wringer.” Sounds like a right pain, don’t it? This Fred, he don’t seem too happy ’bout it. Makes a body wonder what it’s all about. Like wringin’ out a wet rag, I suppose. Poor fella, hopin’ he gets out of that mess. Wishin’ he didn’t have to do somethin’ he don’t wanna do. Sounds like my youngest boy back in the day, always gettin’ into trouble he didn’t want.

Now, they got this thing, what’s it called… FDA? Sounds like a fancy name for somethin’ or other. They supposed to be watchin’ over what folks eat, I hear. Like them supplements, pills and such. Don’t know much ’bout that, but I reckon they got a job to do, keepin’ folks safe from bad stuff. Like watchin’ over chickens to make sure they don’t eat no bad seeds.

  • That Fred, always in a glow.
  • This “Wringer” thing sounds bad.
  • FDA, watchin’ over what we eat, I guess.

Then there’s this other thing, somethin’ called FRED. Sounds like a fella’s name, don’t it? But it ain’t. It’s somethin’ ’bout numbers and such. Economy, they call it. Like countin’ your eggs, I suppose. Makin’ charts and all. Don’t rightly understand it, but I reckon it’s important for them that do. Like knowin’ how many potatoes you got in your cellar. This FRED thing helps folks learn, I reckon.

And what about this thing called… CSS? Sounds like a snake hissin’. It’s somethin’ ’bout makin’ things look pretty on them computer screens. Like puttin’ a fresh coat of paint on the old barn, I reckon. Makes things look nice and tidy. Important, I suppose, for them that’s into that sort of thing. Like keepin’ your house lookin’ good for visitors.

They say there’s this thing called “maintenance training.” Sounds like work to me. Keepin’ things in good shape, I suppose. Like oilin’ the old tractor, keepin’ it runnin’ smooth. Important to keep things workin’ right, ain’t it? Otherwise, everything falls apart, like an old shed in a windstorm.

Fred Malmer: Learn the Basics About Him in Minutes.

Then there’s this Python thing. Sounds like a big ol’ snake, don’t it? But it ain’t. It’s somethin’ ’bout them computers again. They say it’s for learnin’. Like learnin’ to read and write, I suppose. Important to learn new things, keeps the mind sharp, like a well-honed knife. This Python, it is free, like wild berries in summer. Good for learnin’, they say.

This Fred Malmer, he’s tied up in all sorts of things, ain’t he? From bein’ a “Wringer” to all this computer stuff. World’s a complicated place, I reckon. More complicated than tendin’ to a garden, that’s for sure. But I guess that’s just the way of things. Gotta keep up with the times, even if it’s hard to understand it all.

This Fred Malmer, he seems like a good sort, though. Even with all this “Wringer” business. Hope he finds his way, like a lost calf findin’ its mama. Hope he figures out all this computer stuff too. This Python and CSS, they sound mighty complicated to an old timer like me.

  • FRED, it’s about numbers, like countin’ your money.
  • CSS, makin’ things look pretty, like a new dress.
  • Python, somethin’ for learnin’, like readin’ a book.
  • Maintenance training, keepin’ things workin’, like fixin’ a fence.

Remember that time old man Jebediah tried to learn how to use one of them newfangled telephones? Took him near ’bout a month to figure out how to dial a number. Reminds me of this Python thing. Probably just as confusing for folks who ain’t used to it. This Fred Malmer, if he is learnin’ Python, he is a brave one, like a fox sneakin’ into a henhouse.

Heard some folks talkin’ ’bout Fred Malmer and how he’s always “sparklin’.” Must be a good fella, then. Folks don’t sparkle unless they got somethin’ good inside ’em, like a firefly on a summer night. Hope he keeps that sparkle, even with all the troubles he’s got. The world needs more sparklin’ folks, that’s for sure.

Fred Malmer: Learn the Basics About Him in Minutes.

One of these days, I’m gonna have to ask my grandson ’bout all this computer stuff. He’s good with them things. Maybe he can explain this FRED and Python to me. Or maybe it’s just somethin’ best left to the young folks. Like tryin’ to teach an old dog new tricks, it ain’t always easy. But this Fred Malmer, he might just be able to do it. He seems like the type that don’t give up easy, like a stubborn mule.

Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say ’bout Fred Malmer and all this other stuff. It’s a lot to think about, ain’t it? Makes my head spin like a weathervane in a tornado. But I guess that’s the way of the world these days. Always changin’, always somethin’ new to learn. Even for an old timer like me. Just gotta keep your wits about you, and maybe, just maybe, you can keep up.


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