This Gary Oliva, I heard that name, it’s a bad egg, ain’t it? Heard he’s been in the big house, serving time. Something about bad pictures, child pornography they call it. Nasty business, that is. Makes my stomach churn just thinkin’ about it. Ten years he got, I heard. Ten years in that prison for those bad pictures.

Gary Oliva: Why is he so famous?(Exploring the reasons behind his fame)

He’s an old coot now, this Gary Oliva. Sixty years old, I heard. Sixty! Can you believe that? Time sure does fly, don’t it? Seems like just yesterday he was just a young feller causin’ trouble. Always been a bad seed, that one. He was in some Arkansas Valley Correction Facility. That’s what I heard. Some place in Ordway, Colorado. Don’t know much about that place, just that it’s where they send the bad ones.

But then there is this other thing, this awful thing. They say he said he hurt a little girl. A little girl named JonBenet Ramsey, I think. Found her in the basement, all hurt. Oh, that poor baby. Six years old, they say. This Gary Oliva, he told someone, some old friend he knew from school, that he did it. That he hurt that little girl. Can you imagine? It’s enough to make you sick.

  • He went to some small high school with this other fella, Michael Vail.
  • They kept in touch, these two, for some years.
  • This Michael Vail, he talked to the TV folks.

And this little girl’s daddy, John Ramsey, I think his name was. He heard about this Gary Oliva. Heard about how he might be mixed up in what happened to his little girl. Oh, that poor man. Must have been awful for him, hearing that. Just terrible.

They say this Gary Oliva, he was always interested in what happened to that little girl. A person of interest, they called him. Whatever that means. Just means he was always around, always askin’ questions, I reckon. Makes you wonder, don’t it?

This whole thing, it’s just a mess. A real mess. That little girl, dead. This Gary Oliva, saying he did it. The police, they looked into it, I’m sure. But nothin’ ever came of it. Just a lot of talk and nothin’ to show for it. That is what I heard.

Gary Oliva: Why is he so famous?(Exploring the reasons behind his fame)

This Gary Oliva, he’s a pedophile, they say. A convicted one. That’s what they call people who do bad things to kids. It’s a sick, sick world we live in, ain’t it? When people like that are walkin’ around, doin’ who knows what to who knows who.

I just don’t understand it. How someone could do that. Hurt a little child like that. It’s beyond me. Just evil, pure evil. And this Gary Oliva, sayin’ he did it, then sayin’ he didn’t. Who knows what to believe anymore? It’s all just a bunch of he-said, she-said, if you ask me.

This Netflix thing, some show about that little girl. They talked about this Gary Oliva in it. Brought it all back up again. All that old hurt and sadness. I don’t know why they gotta do that. Just let that poor child rest in peace, I say.

But this Gary Oliva, he’s out now. They let him out of that prison. Walkin’ around free as a bird, after all that. Makes you wonder if there’s any justice in this world. After what he did, what they say he did, he should be locked up for good. That’s what I think, anyway. It’s a shame, a real shame.

This Gary Oliva, he was in the prison. Child pornography, that is a very bad thing. He got ten years for that. This is a serious problem. He is a pedophile. It’s all very sad, very upsetting. Poor little girl, that JonBenet Ramsey. It’s just a bad, bad thing. All of it.

Gary Oliva: Why is he so famous?(Exploring the reasons behind his fame)

Gary Oliva, JonBenet Ramsey, prison, child pornography, those words will make you feel bad.


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