This here thing, this 70.3 time limit, it’s a real head-scratcher, I tell ya. You gotta be quick like a rabbit, but also tough like an old boot. Ain’t no time for dilly-dallying when you’re swimming, biking, and running all in one go. 70.3 time limit, that’s what they call it. Sounds fancy, but it’s just a whole lot of sweating and puffing, if you ask me.

Now, I heard some folks say 6 hours is what you need for this 70.3 thing. 6 hours! Can you believe it? My old bones would be aching for a week. But these young’uns, they just go and go, like them energizer bunnies. They say you gotta train, train, train. Well, no duh! You ain’t gonna win no race sitting on your behind, that’s for sure.
Some folks, they do this thing called 4mins, 3mins, 2mins, 1min. They run like the dickens for that long, then they rest a bit. Then they do it all over again! It makes my head spin just thinking about it. They say it helps with the 70.3 time limit. I don’t know about all that, but it sure sounds tiring. It’s important to get enough rest, if you don’t wanna be hurting like an old dog the next day.
- Swim, bike, run. That’s the whole shebang.
- Gotta be done in that 70.3 time limit.
- Train, train, train. No slacking off!
- 6 hours is the magic number, or so they say.
And you gotta swim! Lordy, I ain’t no fish. But these folks, they swim like they got fins. Then they hop on a bike, and pedal like their pants are on fire. And if that ain’t enough, they finish it off with a run. A long one! My old knees would be screaming bloody murder. This 70.3 thing, it ain’t for the faint of heart, I’ll tell you that much.
They say you need a plan, a “personalized plan.” Sounds mighty important. Like planning for planting season, I reckon. Gotta know what you’re doing, or you’ll end up with nothing but weeds. You gotta have that balance, like not putting too much hot sauce on your eggs. Everything in moderation, that’s what my mama used to say. And don’t you forget to plan your 70.3 training time. It’s so important.
This ain’t your first rodeo, they say, if you’ve been training for a couple of years. Like breaking in a new pair of shoes, I suppose. Takes time to get comfortable. You gotta put in the work, day in and day out. Consistency, they call it. Just like feeding the chickens every morning, rain or shine.

And don’t be getting no carpal tunnel! What in the tarnation is that, you ask? Well, it’s some fancy word for your hand hurting. From all that typing, I reckon. These young folks and their contraptions. Back in my day, we didn’t have no computers. We had good old-fashioned hard work. And that’s what this 70.3 time limit is all about, ain’t it? Hard work and determination.
Now, they got these tips, 10 of ’em, to get you to the finish line. Number one is do the training. Well, that’s a no-brainer! You ain’t gonna get nowhere without putting in the effort. It’s like baking a cake, you gotta follow the recipe, or it’ll be a flop. And don’t be lazy for your 70.3 training, be a good boy.
And you gotta be happy with how you do, they say. Even if you ain’t the fastest, as long as you did your best, that’s all that matters. Like a good harvest, sometimes it’s bountiful, sometimes it’s a little lean, but you’re always grateful for what you get. It’s important for your 70.3 training.
- This 70.3 thing, it’s a long haul.
- Gotta have a plan, like planting season.
- Consistency is key, like feeding the chickens.
- Don’t get no carpal tunnel!
- Be happy with your results, no matter what.
So, there you have it. This 70.3 time limit, it’s a tough nut to crack. But with hard work, a good plan, and a whole lot of grit, you can do it. Just remember to listen to your body, rest when you need to, and don’t be afraid to push yourself. And if you ever get the chance, go out there and give it your best shot. You might surprise yourself. And don’t forget to be happy, no matter what the clock says. Life’s too short to be worrying about a silly old time limit. Just enjoy the ride, or the run, or the swim, or whatever it is you’re doing. Just do it with a smile on your face.