This year, them young folks, they got some crazy ideas, I tell ya. Balenciaga, that’s a fancy name, ain’t it? Sounds like somethin’ my old cow Bessie woulda coughed up. They’re sellin’ a towel skirt. Yep, you heard me right. A skirt made outta a towel.

ikea balenciaga towel skirt - love it or hate it?  Fashion lovers are talking about this new skirt.

Now, I seen a lot of things in my days. Seen a chicken lay a square egg once. Seen a pig fly, well, almost, when it got spooked by that darn rooster. But this Ikea Balenciaga towel skirt thing, it takes the cake. It’s just a towel, like the one you use after a bath, but they wrap it around their waist and call it fashion. And they are selling it for how much? Lord have mercy!

They say it’s a luxury item. Luxury! Back in my day, luxury was a hot meal on a cold night and a roof that didn’t leak. Now it’s a towel you wear like a skirt. What is this world coming to?

I saw it on that picture box, the one that shows all them movin’ pictures. What do you call it? The interwebs? My granddaughter, she showed me. And there it was, clear as day. A plain old towel, wrapped around some skinny girl, lookin’ like she just stepped outta the shower. And they want how many dollars for it? They must be touched in the head!

I tell you what, I got a whole stack of towels in my linen closet. Old ones, new ones, some with holes, some with flowers. If I tied one of them around my waist, would I be fashionable too? Would I be considered luxury like that Balenciaga towel skirt?

And Ikea, they even make their own version, cheaper too. A Balenciaga towel skirt Ikea version. They are smart. They know folks ain’t got that kinda money to throw away on a silly towel.

ikea balenciaga towel skirt - love it or hate it?  Fashion lovers are talking about this new skirt.

Here is what I got in my closet:

  • Big fluffy towels, good for dryin’ off after a bath.
  • Little hand towels, good for dryin’ your hands after washin’ them.
  • Kitchen towels, good for dryin’ dishes and wipin’ up spills.
  • Even got some old raggedy ones I use for cleanin’ the floor.

I reckon any of them could be a towel skirt if I wanted it to be. Maybe I should start sellin’ ’em. Undercut those fancy Balenciaga folks. “Granny’s Towel Skirts – Only $5!” What do you think?

This Balenciaga towel skirt, it’s got folks talkin’, I’ll give ’em that. It’s got me talkin’, and I ain’t talked about fashion since, well, since I wore that flour sack dress to the church social back in ’52.

I mean it is like they say on the internet, the Ikea Balenciaga towel skirt is the same thing. Just one you can buy for cheap, the other one, you gotta sell your left kidney for!

My granddaughter, she says it’s all about the brand. This Balenciaga name, it’s supposed to mean somethin’. Means you got money to burn, I reckon. Well, I got news for ’em. I got a brand too. It’s called “Granny’s Common Sense.” And my brand says a towel is for dryin’, not for wearin’.

ikea balenciaga towel skirt - love it or hate it?  Fashion lovers are talking about this new skirt.

And what happens when you gotta use the bathroom? Do you unwrap your fancy towel skirt? Do you just hold it? I got so many questions.

This whole Ikea Balenciaga towel skirt thing, it’s just got me baffled. I guess you can’t buy a Balenciaga skirt towel cause it is just a towel! And if Balenciaga made a normal skirt, it would cost a whole house, not just a kidney! It’s a sign of the times, I suppose. A sign that folks have lost their ever-lovin’ minds.

So, if you see me walkin’ around town with a towel wrapped around my waist, don’t you laugh. I’m just tryin’ to keep up with the times. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll start a new fashion trend. Who knows, maybe “Granny’s Towel Skirts” will be the next big thing. You never can tell. Maybe I will make an Ikea towel skirt of my own.


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