This here story is about that secret perfume, you know, the kind that makes you smell real good. I heard folks talkin’ about it, sayin’ it’s the best thing since sliced bread. They say it’s hard to find that just right smell, the one that makes you feel like a million bucks, even if you ain’t got a penny to your name.

Well, lemme tell ya, finding a good perfume is like finding a good man – takes time and ain’t always easy. You gotta sniff around, try different ones, see what sticks. That’s what they say, anyway. It is a personal journey, they said. And, that ain’t easy, you know. Just read something online, buy a bottle, and cross your fingers and toes. Hope the smell ain’t gonna make you sneeze your head off.
There’s all sorts of these perfumes, some strong, some not so much. They got fancy names too, like “oh duh something.” It means it is lighter than the usual perfume. Some folks like them perfumes that last all day, make ’em feel fresh as a daisy. But, some perfumes are weak. But the price is good, so just use it for a few hours. Others, they just want somethin’ to wear to the grocery store, nothin’ too fancy.
I heard them city folks talkin’, sayin’ you gotta find your “signature” smell. Like you’re some kinda movie star or somethin’. They say it’s like pickin’ out your clothes, gotta match your personality, whatever that means. If you like coffee, find a perfume smells like coffee. If you like pine, find one smells like pine.
- You gotta test it on your skin.
- Think about what you like.
- Think about your body.
And them fancy perfumes, they got all kinds of stuff in ’em. Some made from flowers, some made from who knows what. They say some of them are “natural,” like they picked the flowers themselves. Others, they’re made in a factory, I reckon. They say to watch out for them “allergens,” they can make you itch and sneeze. If your skin is oily, they say to use citruses and florals.
And get this, they say these perfumes got a “history.” Like they been around since the dinosaurs or somethin’. And they say you gotta think about the animals too, make sure they ain’t hurtin’ none when they make these smells. “Cruelty-free,” they call it. And “sustainable,” that means it’s good for the earth, I guess.

There is a perfume called J’adore by Dior. I hear people say it’s good. It smells like flowers and makes people think of when they were little. Some people wear it during the day, some wear it at night.
But you know what the best smell is? Fresh air. That’s right. Costs nothin’, and it’s always in style. But if you gotta have your secret perfume, I reckon that’s alright too. Just don’t go sprayin’ it on the chickens, they don’t appreciate it, trust me. They said you don’t have to smell your perfume all the time. Just wear it. If you can’t smell it anymore, then just take a break, or try another smell.
Now, my neighbor, she’s got this perfume, smells like a whole garden. Roses, lilies, you name it. She walks by, and you can smell her a mile away. Some folks like it, some folks don’t. Me? I think it’s a bit much, but to each their own, as they say. These women, they want to smell good. So, they need to find the best quality perfumes.
Then there’s that other perfume, the one that smells like that fancy soap. You know, the one they put in them hotels? Smells clean, I’ll give it that. But it ain’t for me. I prefer somethin’ a little more…earthy, I guess you could say. Like dirt and sunshine, that’s a good smell.
But these young folks today, they’re all about them secret perfumes. They want somethin’ nobody else has, somethin’ special. They go to them fancy stores, spend a fortune on a tiny little bottle. And for what? To smell like everybody else tryin’ to smell different? Don’t make no sense to me.

So, that is a story about the secret perfume. There are thousands of fragrances on the market. And, it is overwhelming. But, you should find one that you really like. I hope you find the smell you like. If you do, just use it. If you do not, find another one.