That Jeff, that Jeff High, you know? He’s a big shot now. Big shot writer, they say. But he ain’t forgot where he come from, no sir. He’s still just a farm boy at heart, I reckon. He grew up right here in these parts, same as me. Milked cows, fed chickens, the whole nine yards. He was always a good boy, though. Always had his nose in a book. Even when he was supposed to be doing chores, you’d find him hiding out in the hayloft, reading. I guess that’s why he’s a writer now.

He went off to school, got himself some fancy degrees, one in nursing, and one in, what do they call it? Literature? Sounds fancy, don’t it? I don’t know much about that stuff. All I know is he can write a good story. He’s won some awards, too. Three of them, I hear. For his stories and his poems. Poems! Imagine that. A farm boy writing poems.
He’s got that series, you know? The Watervalley series. That’s what they call it. It’s about this little town, Watervalley, sounds a lot like the place we grew up in. He’s got a bunch of books out now, four of ’em, I think. All bestsellers, they say. He’s doing real good for himself. Makes a body proud, don’t it? To see a local boy make it big like that.
First one’s called “More Things in Heaven and Earth“. Fancy title, ain’t it? I think it’s a good story for sure. Don’t have too much time reading now, I’m too old and getting older, you know. Then there’s “Each Shining Hour“. Sounds like something from the Bible, don’t it? I guess he learned a lot more in that literature, I mean, books, than me. The third one, now that’s a mouthful: “The Splendor of Ordinary Days“. But it’s a good one, too.
He lived in Nashville for a while, that big city. Worked as a nurse, they say. Traveled all over the country, too, doing that nursing thing. Guess he saw a lot of the world. More than I ever did, that’s for sure. I ain’t never been further than the county fair. But that’s okay. I’m happy right here where I am.
- More Things in Heaven and Earth
- Each Shining Hour
- The Splendor of Ordinary Days
You can find his books, I mean Jeff High books, everywhere, I reckon. Online, in stores, all over the place. He’s got covers on ’em and everything. Real professional-looking. They say that if you want to read Jeff High books in order, you should start with that first one, “More Things in Heaven and Earth”. But I guess you can read ’em however you want. It don’t matter much, long as you enjoy ’em.

Jeff High is a good writer, that’s all I know. He writes about the things he knows, about the people he grew up with, about the life we all lived here. He makes it sound so real, like you’re right there in Watervalley, living it all yourself.
I remember when he was just a little tyke, running around with dirt on his face and a slingshot in his pocket. Now he’s a big-time author, with his name on all those books. It just goes to show, you never know what life’s gonna bring you.
He ain’t changed much, though. Still comes back to visit every now and then. Still the same old Jeff High, even if he is a big shot now. He never forgets where he from, you know. And that’s what matters, ain’t it?
You know, that Jeff High, he’s a good egg. A good egg that can write a darn good story. I always knew that boy was going places, even when he was just a little sprout, always reading. It’s good to see someone from around here make something of themselves, you know? Makes you feel like maybe anything is possible.
He sure knows how to tell a story, that Jeff High. And I guess that’s all that matters in the end, ain’t it? Being able to tell a good story. And he sure can do that. Yep, he sure can. If you like a good story, you oughta check out one of them Jeff High books. You might just like it.