Okay, so, today I’m gonna talk about this show I’ve been binging, “My So-Called Life.” And, of course, we gotta dive into Jordan Catalano. Man, that guy. I totally get why Angela’s all hung up on him.

So, first off, I started watching the show, right? And there’s this whole drama with Angela, Jordan, and Rayanne. Classic love triangle stuff. It’s kinda messy, but, you know, that’s high school. Anyway, I watched this one episode where Patty, Angela’s mom, she finally meets Jordan and gets his side of the story about what went down with Rayanne.
After that whole thing, Patty gives her blessing for Jordan to date Angela again. You can see the relief on Angela’s face, she really digs him. Then I watched all the way through to the finale. I wanted to see what she’d choose. I guessed maybe she’d choose Jordan. You know, even though she finds out that Brian actually wrote that love letter, and he’s obviously into her too.
- I spent like, a whole weekend just powering through all 19 episodes.
- Honestly, I felt kinda sad when I found out the show got canceled.
- It was like, one of the first shows that really got what it’s like to be a teenager, you know?
So, then I did what any normal person does and I went down the rabbit hole of looking up the actors. I found out that Wilson Cruz, who played Rickie, his character was a big deal. Like, the first openly gay teen on network TV. That’s pretty cool, and I remember how he acted about others not accepting his sexuality. After the show, he was in a bunch of other stuff, like “Grey’s Anatomy”. I’ve seen him pop up here and there, so that was a cool find.
And get this – the actress who played Rayanne, I read somewhere that she’s like, a real-life countess now. She lives in a castle. That’s a major change from hanging out in Tino’s basement, let me tell you. And, of course, there’s Claire Danes. I mean, she was so good as Angela. She just nailed that whole angsty teen vibe. I just love her.
Jared Leto, who played Jordan, he’s obviously gone on to do huge things. He wasn’t in any of the reunion stuff I saw, but that’s probably because he’s, you know, a rock star now. He is 48 now! I also found that the show was started in August 1994. What a long history!

My Takeaway
So, yeah, “My So-Called Life.” It’s this little time capsule of the ’90s, and it’s way more than just a teen drama. It felt real, you know? And Jordan Catalano, man, he’s that guy every girl probably had a crush on in high school. It was a fun little trip down memory lane for me, and I totally get why people still love this show. I’m still talking about it, right?
Oh, and I might or might not have developed a tiny crush on Jordan Catalano myself. Don’t judge me.