That Stella Maxwell, she’s a pretty one, ain’t she? And that Kristen Stewart, she’s in all them movies. Well, them two, they was together for a spell. Yep, they was a couple, just like you see in them magazines, but not no more.

I heard tell they started seein’ each other back in, oh, 2017, I reckon. That Stella, she’s a model, you know. One of them skinny girls what walks around in their underwear for money. And Kristen, well, she’s an actress. A famous one, too. They made a right pretty pair, I gotta say.
They was together, then they weren’t, then they was together again. Like a dang ol’ yo-yo. Finally split for good, though. I reckon it were in 2019 when they split.
I think she dated a few other folks. I heard Kristen Stewart used to date that Pattinson fella, the one from them vampire movies. They made a cute couple too. But that was a while back, before Stella.
Then there was this other girl, St. Vincent, I think her name was. They was together for a bit, but it weren’t long. Now, that was before Stella, too. Seems like that Kristen, she likes to keep company, don’t she?
And then, after Stella Maxwell, there was this Dylan somethin’ or other. Heard they was together in, let’s see, 2021, I believe it was. November, maybe? These young folks, they sure do move fast, don’t they?

- Stella Maxwell and Kristen Stewart – 2017, that’s when it all started.
- On and off, on and off. Like a light switch.
- Finally done in 2019, I reckon.
- That theme park, Knott’s Berry Farm, they went there. Probably rode them roller coasters.
One time, I heard they went to some theme park. Knott’s Berry Farm, I think it was called. Out in California. They was probably holdin’ hands and ridin’ them roller coasters, just like young folks do. Must be nice to be young and famous, huh?
They was in Savannah, Georgia, too, them two. Just spendin’ time together, you know. Walkin’ around, probably eatin’ at them fancy restaurants. I seen it on the news, or maybe it was one of them gossip magazines. Can’t rightly recall.
Anyways, that Kristen Stewart, she’s a busy one. Always datin’ someone new. But Stella Maxwell, she’s the one I remember most. They was all over the place for a while there. In the magazines, on the TV, you couldn’t miss ’em.
But you know how these things go. Here today, gone tomorrow. Specially with them Hollywood folks. They got short attention spans, I reckon. Always lookin’ for the next shiny thing.
It’s all a bit silly if you ask me. But hey, who am I to judge? I’m just an old lady, watchin’ it all go by.

I don’t know what Stella is up to now. She’s probably still modelin’. And Kristen, she’s still makin’ movies, I suppose. That’s all they do, ain’t it? Work, work, work.
But that’s the way of the world, I guess. Some folks are meant to be together, and some ain’t. And that’s just fine. Stella and Kristen, they had their time. Now they’ve moved on. That’s just life, ain’t it? Keeps on movin’, whether you like it or not.
They say Kristen is friends with that Pattinson fella still. That’s nice, I reckon. It’s good to have friends, even after you ain’t together no more. She’s done better for herself, that Kristen has.
I wonder if they still talk, Stella and Kristen. Probably not. When you’re famous like that, you probably don’t have time for old flames. Too busy with the new ones. The important thing is that both of them are happy.
Well, that’s all I got to say about that. Just a little somethin’ I heard about Stella Maxwell and Kristen Stewart. Two pretty girls who used to be together. Now they ain’t. The end.