So, yesterday, I decided to get into this whole Lady Gaga puking thing. I mean, I heard about it ages ago, but never really dug into the details.

Lady Gaga Pukes On Stage: What Really Happened During That Crazy Show?

First, I fired up my computer and started with a simple search. I just typed in “Lady Gaga pukes” and, boom, tons of stuff popped up. Mostly from like, 2012. Seems like this happened a while back in Barcelona. Apparently, she was singing “Edge of Glory” and just started throwing up, like, four times! But, get this, she kept going with the show. What a trooper, right?

Then I watched some videos. You can actually see her turn her back to the audience, do her thing, and then carry on like nothing happened. It’s kinda crazy. I mean, I would have just run off stage, but she’s a pro. She was singing “Edge of Glory” when this happened, which is now kind of an iconic song for all the wrong reasons. They called her the “Mother Monster”, and she tweeted something about it later, saying it was a good laugh.

  • I checked out some news articles from back then.
  • Some mentioned Justin Bieber also throwing up on stage around the same time.
  • There was even something about her getting puked on at a music festival in 2014 while she was singing her song called “Swine”.
  • Some people talked about some controversy with Sam Smith.

I also found out she wrote a song called “Disease”. Released recently. And produced by Andrew Watt and Cirkut.

I spent a good few hours on this, just reading and watching stuff.

Lady Gaga Pukes On Stage: What Really Happened During That Crazy Show?

After going through all that, I finally formed my own take. It’s pretty clear that Lady Gaga is a dedicated performer. She powered through that concert even though she was obviously sick. And the fact that she can laugh about it later just shows she’s got a good sense of humor. She once was very sick during a concert, and there was lightning outside but she tried to finish the show. It was all a bit of a mess, but a memorable one. She’s definitely one-of-a-kind.

Key Takeaways

  • Lady Gaga is one tough cookie.
  • Puking on stage doesn’t stop her.
  • She knows how to turn an awkward moment into a viral sensation.

It was an interesting deep dive, for sure. I never thought I’d spend so much time researching celebrity puke stories, but hey, there’s a first time for everything!


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