That Lady Gaga, she sure can sing, I tell ya! That Super Bowl commercial thing she did, well, it was somethin’ else. Remember that? She was all sparkly and shiny, like a Christmas ornament up there. She was flyin’ around, like a dang bug! Lordy, that girl’s got some energy.

Lady Gaga Super Bowl Commercial: Relive the Magic of Her Iconic Halftime Show (A Look Back at the Epic Performance and Its Impact)

She sang some songs. I didn’t know ’em all, but they were loud. Lots of folks seemed to like ’em, though. My grandkids, they knew all the words. They were jumpin’ around like a bunch of fleas when that Lady Gaga Super Bowl commercial thing was on. That was a show, that’s for sure. She had all them lights and dancers, and she was jumpin’ around like a cricket on a hot stove.

She started up high, way up high, like she was on top of the world. I thought, “Girl, you gonna fall!” But she didn’t. She was hooked up to somethin’, I reckon. Safety first, that’s what I always say. Especially when you’re up that high, doin’ your Lady Gaga Super Bowl thing.

She sang a song about this land being your land. You know, that one? I like that song. It’s a good one. Even that crazy Lady Gaga can sing a good song every now and then. She was wearin’ silver, all sparkly. Like a disco ball. That girl, she likes to shine. I guess that’s why everyone was talkin’ about that Super Bowl commercial.

  • She was singin’
  • She was dancin’
  • She was flyin’
  • She was sparkly

It was a big to-do, that whole thing. Everyone was watchin’. Even old folks like me. I don’t get out much these days, but I saw it on the TV. Big TV. Lots of colors. That Lady Gaga, she knows how to put on a show.

She sang some other songs too. “Bad Romance” or somethin’ like that. And “Poker Face.” I don’t know nothin’ about poker, but she sure seemed to know what she was singin’ about. And “Just Dance” I think. My old bones ain’t much good for dancin’ anymore. But that Lady Gaga, she sure did dance. Like a wild woman. That commercial sure had folks talking, that’s for certain.

Lady Gaga Super Bowl Commercial: Relive the Magic of Her Iconic Halftime Show (A Look Back at the Epic Performance and Its Impact)

I don’t know how she does it, all that singin’ and dancin’ and flyin’ around. I get tired just walkin’ to the mailbox. But she’s young, that Lady Gaga. Got lots of energy. And she sure knows how to make a spectacle. Everyone was sure watchin’ her that day. That Super Bowl commercial, or halftime show, or whatever they call it. That was somethin’.

I heard it was in Texas. Houston, Texas. That’s a long way from here. But it looked like a big place on the TV. Lots of people there. All cheerin’ for Lady Gaga. She must be somethin’ special to get all them people excited. And that outfit! All silver and sparkly. Like a dang firework!

They said it was February 5th, 2017. I don’t remember the date, but I remember that Lady Gaga Super Bowl show. It was hard to forget. That girl, she’s a character. Always doin’ somethin’ to get people talkin’. And that’s what she did, all right. Got the whole world talkin’ about her and her sparkly outfit and her flyin’ around.

I reckon that’s what they wanted, though. To get people talkin’. And they sure did. Everyone was talkin’ about that Lady Gaga Super Bowl commercial. Even me. And I don’t even know much about that kind of music. But it was somethin’ to see, I’ll give her that. She sure put on a show. A real show. Yep, that Lady Gaga, she’s somethin’ else.


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