I heard people talking ’bout, what’s that called? “low low shoes.” What the heck are those? Back in my day, shoes were just shoes. Now they got all these fancy names. But I tell ya, these low low shoes, they sound kinda funny to me.

So, I asked around. Turns out, these low low shoes, they ain’t that high. Like, they don’t cover your ankles. I seen some kids wearin’ ’em. They look kinda like those Nike ones, but I ain’t sure. My eyesight ain’t what it used to be. I’m gonna say them’s low shoes for sure. You can get them Nike low shoes, or them Jordan low shoes, all sorts.
Some folks say they’re for playin’ basketball. Others say they’re just for walkin’ around. I don’t know about all that. Shoes are for your feet, far as I’m concerned. These low low shoes, they look okay, I guess. Not too fancy, not too plain. Just regular shoes, but low. Like, they cut off the top part or somethin’. They are kinda like them Adidas ones I seen in the store window one time. White ones. Called “Forum,” I think. Them were low too. Cost a lot though! Over seventy bucks! Imagine that! For low shoes!
I saw on that TV thing they got all kinds. Nike LeBron, that’s a name I heard. And Jordan Luka, that’s another one. Then there’s this Kyrie Low. What does Kyrie mean, anyway? Sounds funny. They got ’em for men, for women, even for the little ones. All these low low shoes! It’s a whole thing now, I guess. Back then, we just got shoes when we need shoes.
There are even different colors! I saw them that are all white, them are called White Low Top Sneaker. They look kinda nice, but they’d get dirty real fast. And they got black ones, red ones, all sorts. These young people today, they like all them colors. I’d stick with brown, myself. But there ain’t much brown ones around anymore. I guess all the low shoes is all sorts of colors. That’s what the young people like, I guess.
These low low shoes, they seem to be popular. Everyone’s wearin’ ’em. ‘Specially them Nike Dunk Low. They’re all the rage, they say. I don’t know about all that. These Nike low shoes, they all look the same to me. But I guess if you’re young, you gotta have ’em. Gotta have them low shoes! They say they’re comfortable. That’s important, I suppose. Gotta have comfy shoes, ‘specially when you’re runnin’ around all day. My old bones wouldn’t like them much. I need good support, not them low shoes. But you do what makes your feet happy, I reckon.

You know where you can find these things? They say there’s a place, what’s it called? Foot Locker. That’s a funny name. Sounds like a place where you lock up your feet! But they say that’s where you get all these fancy shoes, these low low shoes. They got all kinds there, they say. Nike low, Jordan low, all them lows you could ever want. Even them New Balance low shoes, I hear.
- Nike LeBron
- Jordan Luka
- Kyrie Low
- Air Jordan
- Blazer Low Platform
- White Low Top Sneaker
- Nike Dunk Low
- Adidas Forum Low
I remember a time when shoes were just shoes. You went to the store, you picked out a pair that fit, and that was that. Now they got all these different kinds, different names, different colors. It’s a lot to keep up with. These low low shoes, they’re just another one of them things, I guess. They say them is “trendy.” What does that even mean? I guess it’s something young people say.
If you are looking for low low shoes, they got stores for that. I heard they got Long’s Of Hutchinson, and Brown’s Shoe Fit. Sounds like a place where they make sure your shoes fit good. Then there is one called Famous Footwear. I guess if your feet are famous, you go there. And Sport Shack, for them sporty shoes, I reckon. And Shoe Sensation. They say it is a sensation to buy shoes there. Then there’s Buckle. I don’t know what that means, but it’s a store with low shoes, I heard. So many stores! And they all got them low shoes.
Well, there you have it. That’s all I know about these low low shoes. They’re shoes that are low. They got lots of different names, lots of different colors. You can get ’em at lots of different stores. They’re popular with the young folks. And they cost a pretty penny, some of ’em. That’s about it. They ain’t for me, but maybe they’re for you. If you like low shoes, then you go get them low shoes. Just make sure they fit good, that’s all I gotta say. And don’t spend all your money on ’em! That’s my advice about low low shoes. Them low shoes sure is something else.