That Megan, she sure is somethin’. All them Megan Thee Stallion nude pictures, lawd have mercy. She ain’t got no shame, that one. Back in my day, we’d never show nothin’, not even an ankle. But these young folks today, they just put it all out there for the world to see. I seen them pictures, you know, Megan Thee Stallion nude and all. I can not believe it.

megan the stallion nude

She’s from Texas, I hear. That’s a long way from here. They do things different down there, I reckon. She’s a singer, a rapper, they call it. Makes that music with all that thumpin’ and bumpin’. Not my cup of tea, but the young folks seem to like it. They listen to it on them little phones all day long. Megan Thee Stallion, that’s her name. It’s a strange one, ain’t it?

Megan, She’s a Stallion!

And they call her a “stallion”. I know what a stallion is, that is a horse. A big, strong horse. Why they call her that? I heard them city folk talking. She was always a big girl, they said. Tall and strong. They say that she called herself. Megan Thee Stallion nude, oh, she likes to show off.

I seen her on that magazine cover, you know the one. Megan Thee Stallion nude on the front. Don’t need no clothes, she don’t. Just layin’ there, lookin’ all fancy. They say she’s showin’ off her new body. Worked hard to get all skinny, they say. Good for her, I guess. But still, no need to be showin’ it all off like that, is there?

  • That Megan, she started singin’ back in 2016.
  • Made some songs, they called them.
  • “Like a Stallion”, that’s one of ’em.
  • Then some other things, “Rich Ratchet” and “Megan Mix”.

All them names, they don’t make no sense to me. But the kids, they love it. They know all the words to her songs. They sing ’em all day long. Drives me up the wall, sometimes. But I guess that’s what the young folks do these days. They love that Megan Thee Stallion.

Megan, She Got Pictures!

And them pictures, oh my lord. Megan Thee Stallion nude, everywhere you look. On the internet, they say. I don’t know much about that internet, but I seen them pictures. My grandson, he showed me. He’s got them on his phone. I told him, “You shouldn’t be lookin’ at that!” But he just laughed. Kids these days, they don’t listen.

megan the stallion nude

They got videos, too. Megan Thee Stallion nude, movin’ around, dancin’ and singin’. I don’t know what to make of it. It’s all so different from when I was young. We’d never dream of doin’ somethin’ like that. But times change, I guess. Just gotta get used to it, I suppose.

She did a song called “Cobra”, that Megan did. And the picture for it, near about Megan Thee Stallion nude again. She sure do like takin her clothes off that one.

She sure is popular, though, that Megan Thee Stallion. Everybody’s talkin’ about her. On the TV, on the radio, in the magazines. She’s everywhere. And most of the time, she ain’t wearin’ no clothes. Megan Thee Stallion nude, that’s what she’s known for, I reckon.

Well, I guess that’s just the way it is these days. The young folks like what they like. And that Megan Thee Stallion, she’s givin’ ’em what they want. Can’t blame her for that, I suppose. She’s makin’ a livin’, and that’s all that matters. She just a young girl, doin’ her thing. Even if her thing is takin’ her clothes off all the time, and them Megan Thee Stallion nude pictures keep poppin’ up everywhere. But who am I to judge? I’m just an old lady, set in my ways. What do I know about all this newfangled stuff?


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