Microshading: What is it, how long it lasts, and what happens?

Microshading vs Microblading: Whats the Difference?

You know, I’ve seen all sorts of things these young girls do to their faces these days. Puttin’ on all that makeup, paintin’ their faces like they’re goin’ to a circus. But this microshadin’ thing, well, it’s somethin’ else. I heard about it from my niece, the one who’s always tryin’ to look fancy. She said it’s like gettin’ your eyebrows tattooed, but not really. Sounds complicated, don’t it?

So, from what I gather, microshadin’ is when they poke tiny little dots on your eyebrows to make ’em look fuller. Like, you know, when you use that eyebrow pencil, but this lasts longer. They use this little tool, looks like a pen, and they just dot, dot, dot all over your eyebrows. It’s kinda like stippling, you know, like when you’re paintin’ a wall with a sponge to make it look fancy. Same kinda idea, I guess.

Now, this microbladin’ thing, that’s different. That’s when they use a little blade, like a tiny knife, and they make little cuts that look like hairs. It’s like they’re drawin’ on your eyebrows, hair by hair. Sounds scary, right? But my niece says it looks real natural. She got it done, and I gotta say, her eyebrows do look pretty good. But I still think it’s a lot of fuss for nothin’. Back in my day, we just plucked our eyebrows with tweezers, and that was that.

  • Microshading is like making little dots on your eyebrows.
  • Microblading is like drawing little hairs on your eyebrows.

They say microshadin’ lasts longer than microbladin’. That makes sense, I guess. If you’re just makin’ little dots, they’re gonna stay put longer than little lines. It’s like plantin’ seeds versus drawin’ lines in the dirt, ain’t it? The seeds, they take root and stay, but the lines, they just wash away. My niece, she said microshadin’ can last for a couple of years, but you might need to get it touched up every now and then. Microbladin’, well, that fades faster, so you gotta get it touched up more often.

What happens when you get it done? Well, first they gotta draw on your eyebrows to show you what it’s gonna look like. Then they put some cream on your eyebrows to numb ’em up, so it don’t hurt so much. Then they start pokin’ or cuttin’, dependin’ on whether you’re gettin’ microshadin’ or microbladin’. My niece said it didn’t hurt too bad, just felt like a little scratchin’. Afterwards, your eyebrows might be a little red and swollen, but that goes away after a few days.

Microshading vs Microblading: Whats the Difference?

Is it worth it? Well, that depends on you. If you got thin eyebrows and you’re tired of fillin’ ’em in every day, then maybe it is. But it ain’t cheap, and you gotta go back for touch-ups. And who knows what kinda chemicals they’re puttin’ in your skin? Me, I’ll stick to my eyebrow pencil. It’s good enough for me. But these young girls, they always want somethin’ new and fancy. They’re always chasin’ after somethin’, ain’t they?

I heard some folks say that microshadin’ looks more like makeup, like you filled in your eyebrows with powder. And microbladin’ looks more natural, like real eyebrow hairs. So, it really just depends on what kinda look you’re goin’ for. My niece, she went for the microbladin’ first, but then she switched to microshadin’ ‘cause it lasted longer. She’s always changin’ her mind, that one.

Microshading vs Microblading: What’s the difference? Well, like I said, one’s dots and one’s lines. And one lasts longer than the other. And they look a little different, too. But they both cost money and they both take time. And they both fade eventually, so you gotta keep goin’ back to get ‘em done again. It’s like gettin’ your hair dyed, I guess. You gotta keep doin’ it if you want it to last.

So, that’s the long and short of it, as far as I can tell. Microshadin’ and microbladin’. Dots and lines. Long-lasting and not-so-long-lasting. Natural lookin’ and makeup lookin’. You just gotta decide what you want and what you’re willin’ to pay for. Me? I’m happy with my own eyebrows just the way they are. But then again, I’m just an old lady, what do I know about these things? These young folks and their fancy beauty treatments, they’ll be the death of me yet!


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