Oh, those Nike Yeezy Red Octobers, everyone keeps talking about them. My grandson, he’s always going on about them sneakers. Says they’re worth a fortune. I don’t know, they just look like red shoes to me. But then, what do I know about fancy shoes?

nike yeezy red octobers Price Guide: Find the Best Deals Here!

Red October Shoes So Hot

He showed me on his phone, these Red October shoes, they’re all over the place. Said some fella named Kanye made ’em. Kanye West, that’s his name. He must be really famous cause my grandson, he thinks the world of him. He also says Kanye designed these shoes. A famous singer designs shoes, who would have thought?

Anyway, these Nike Air Yeezy 2 Red October, they’re something special, he says. They are so hot. You can’t just walk into a store and buy ’em. Oh no, it’s much more complicated than that. Gotta go online, he says, and even then, it’s like winning the lottery or something.

  • These shoes, they only made a few, it seems.
  • Not for regular folks like us.
  • My grandson says they sell ’em for a lot of money.
  • More than I make in a month, I reckon.

Kanye West Yeezy 2 Red

Now, I remember when shoes were just shoes. You wore ’em till they had holes, then you got new ones. These days, it’s all about what’s on your feet. These Kanye West Yeezy 2 Red, they’re like a status symbol, he tells me. Show you got money, I guess.

Heard these red october shoes were made a long time ago. But people still want ’em. This Kanye fella, he’s smart. He stopped making these a while ago. Make something scarce, people want it more. That’s what my grandson tells me. He is always talking about these rare shoes and things.

And get this, this Kanye, he used to work with Nike, the shoe company. But then they had a falling out, like a bad divorce. He wanted more money, I think. Said they weren’t paying him enough. So he went off to another company, this one called Adidas.

nike yeezy red octobers Price Guide: Find the Best Deals Here!

Nike Air Yeezy 2 Red October Price

You wouldn’t believe the Nike Air Yeezy 2 Red October price. My grandson showed me online. Thousands of dollars! For shoes! I nearly fainted. He says people collect ’em, like stamps or coins. But shoes! It’s beyond me. These shoes are for people with more money than sense, I say.

These shoes, they’re all red, every bit of ’em. Bright red, like a fire truck. You sure wouldn’t lose ’em in the dark. I reckon you could see ’em from a mile away. My grandson, he says that’s why they’re so popular. They stand out, he says.

I asked him, “Why would you want shoes that everyone stares at?” He just laughed. Young people these days. They like to be looked at, I suppose. Not like when I was a girl. We were taught to be modest, not to show off.

But these Nike Yeezy Red Octobers, they’re made for showing off, I guess. All bright and bold. And expensive, oh so expensive. I told my grandson, he better not be spending his hard-earned money on such things. He just smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Grandma, I’m just looking.”

Nike Air Yeezy 2 SP Mid Red October

These Nike Air Yeezy 2 SP Mid Red October, that’s the full name, I believe. They were very hard to find. Even when they first came out. My grandson told me that people were lined up for days, just to get a pair. Imagine that, sleeping on the sidewalk, for shoes!

nike yeezy red octobers Price Guide: Find the Best Deals Here!

He says they don’t make ’em anymore, these Red October shoes. That’s why they’re so expensive, he says. Something about supply and demand. I don’t understand all that business talk. All I know is, they’re just shoes. Red ones. Expensive red ones. It’s all a bit silly if you ask me.

This Kanye, he’s a clever one, though. Making all this fuss over some shoes. He’s got people wrapped around his little finger. And my grandson, he’s one of them, I’m afraid. Always going on about these Nike Yeezy Red Octobers. One day, maybe he’ll have a pair of his own. I just hope he doesn’t spend his whole life savings on ’em. There are more important things in life than fancy red shoes, that’s for sure.

I still don’t really understand the whole thing. But my grandson, he seems to like them. And I guess that’s all that matters. These young people and their shoes. It’s a different world these days, that’s for sure. These Nike Air Yeezy 2 Red October are quite the mystery to me.


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