Well, well, well, look at this here thing I found on that there Reddit. They call it “Why Even Wear Anything?” Land sakes, some folks got too much time on their hands, I reckon.

Reddit: Why Wear Anything? (Check Out These Top Reasons from Real Users)

Now, I seen a lot in my time, but this here thing, it’s a whole ‘nother animal. They say it’s a place where folks share pictures. Pictures of, well, how do I put this nicely… ladies wearin’ next to nothin’. Makes you wonder, don’t it? If you’re gonna wear that little bit, why bother with anything at all?

This Reddit thing, it’s like a big ol’ town square, but on that computer screen. Everybody’s got somethin’ to say, somethin’ to show. And these folks, they’re showin’ a whole lot, I tell ya. They say it is about “Hedonistic Aspirations”. I don’t know about all that fancy talk, but it seems like folks just wanna look at pretty things. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose, we all like pretty things. But it is different, that’s for sure.

Some folks, they ask questions on this here Reddit. “Why do humans wear clothes?” they ask. Now, that seems like a silly question, don’t it? We wear clothes ’cause we gotta! It’s just what you do. You can’t be walkin’ around with your bits and bobs hangin’ out for all the world to see!

But they got reasons, these folks. They say we wear clothes for protection. That makes sense. It’s important to have protection. Keeps ya from gettin’ sunburned, or bit by them pesky mosquitoes. Keeps ya warm when it’s cold out, keeps the rain off ya when it’s pourin’. Yep, clothes are good for that, I reckon. And it also keeps you from freezin’ your tail off in the winter! That’s very important protection, if you ask me.

  • Clothes keep the sun off.
  • Clothes keep the wind off.
  • Clothes keep you warm.
  • Clothes keep you covered up so you don’t catch your death of cold!

But these pictures on this “Why Even Wear Anything” place… well, they ain’t protectin’ much, are they? More like showin’ off than protectin’, if you ask me. These ladies, they’re brave, I’ll give ’em that. Or maybe just a little bit crazy. I don’t know. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

Reddit: Why Wear Anything? (Check Out These Top Reasons from Real Users)

They say this here Reddit is a place where folks can “freely express themselves.” Well, these folks are expressin’ themselves all right. Expressin’ a whole lot! I guess in this here new-fangled world, folks do things different. Back in my day, we had our ways, and they had theirs. And never the twain shall meet, as they say.

I remember when I was a young’un, we wore what we had. Clothes were for wearin’, not for showin’ off. We patched ’em up when they got holes, wore ’em ’til they were threadbare. Nobody cared about lookin’ fancy, we just cared about stayin’ warm and dry. And decent! That’s the important part. You gotta be decent.

But these young folks today, they got all these fancy clothes, all these different styles. And some of ’em, well, they just don’t seem to care about decency. They’re wearin’ less and less, it seems. And this Reddit place, it’s just full of it. This Why Even Wear Anything. It’s like they are saying “look at me! Look at me!”.

Now, I ain’t one to judge. Live and let live, that’s what I always say. But it does make a body wonder. What’s the world comin’ to? Where’s the modesty? Where’s the… well, where’s the clothes? It just makes you think, if you’re gonna wear THAT, why even wear anything? It’s a mystery, that’s for sure. A big ol’ mystery. But everyone has their own ways, I suppose.

I guess it’s just the way things are now. This here internet, it’s changed everything. Folks are connectin’ in ways we never thought possible. They’re sharin’ things we never thought we’d see. And they’re askin’ questions… like “why even wear anything?” Well, I still think you should wear somethin’. Even if it is just a little somethin’. You never know who’s lookin’. Or what they’re thinkin’. And you never know when a strong wind might come through, and you will be wishing you had more than THAT on.

Reddit: Why Wear Anything? (Check Out These Top Reasons from Real Users)

This whole thing, it’s a sign of the times, I reckon. A sign of the times. Just gotta shake your head and keep on movin’. Keep on livin’. And maybe, just maybe, wear a little somethin’ extra, just in case. You never know what you might see on that there Reddit. Or who you might meet. Or what kind of weather you might run into. Yes, you better put something on. For goodness sake, put something on! You don’t want to be caught with nothin’ on, that’s for sure! Especially not on that internet thing. No sir!


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