Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Simone Biles wedding. It was a real fancy shindig, from what I hear. Not like them weddings we have ’round here, with the potluck and the keg in the barn. This one, this was somethin’ else.

Simone Biles Wedding Photos: A Look Inside Her Big Day

First off, they got hitched not once, but twice! Can ya believe it? The first time was at some courthouse in Houston, Texas, back in April. Quick and easy, I reckon. Then, they went and did it all over again, big style, in Cabo, Mexico, just a few weeks later. Cabo! That’s where them rich folks go, ya know?

Now, Simone, she’s a real famous gymnast. Seen her on the TV a few times, flippin’ and twistin’ like nobody’s business. Strong as an ox, that girl. And her fella, Jonathan Owens, he’s a football player. Big fella, good lookin’. They make a handsome couple, I gotta say.

  • First Wedding: Houston, Texas courthouse, April 22, 2023.
  • Second Wedding: Cabo, Mexico, May 6, 2023. Fancy, huh?

For the big Cabo doin’s, Simone, she wore this real pretty white dress. Heard tell it weren’t even some fancy designer thing, neither. Got it online for just 120 dollars! Can ya imagine? A famous gal like her, buyin’ a dress just like us regular folk. But it looked good on her, real good. Sparkly and white, like an angel.

And the pictures, oh them pictures! They was all over the internet. Simone smilin’ at her fella, him lookin’ all proud. They had flowers and sunshine and all that fancy stuff. Looked like a real fairy tale wedding, the kind you see in them magazines at the grocery store.

They had a bunch of folks there too. Simone’s got a lot of friends, seems like. Girls named Aly and Melanie and Jordan and Madison and Maggie and Katelyn. Sounds like a whole lotta chatter and gigglin’ goin’ on.

Simone Biles Wedding Photos: A Look Inside Her Big Day

The whole thing seemed real magical, that’s what Simone called it herself. And I believe it. You could just see the love in them pictures. Made my old heart warm up a bit, seein’ such happiness.

I ain’t never been to a wedding in Mexico, that’s for sure. But this one, it looked like a real good time. Makes ya think about love and family and all that. Even us old folks can appreciate a good love story, ya know?

Now, I don’t know all the details, mind you. I just heard things here and there, saw some pictures. But it seems like Simone Biles and Jonathan Owens, they found somethin’ special. And that’s somethin’ to celebrate, no matter how fancy or how plain the weddin’ is.

So, good on ’em, I say. Good on ’em for findin’ love and for havin’ a big ol’ party to celebrate it. And good on Simone for findin’ a purdy dress for a good price! That girl’s got her head on straight, even with all that fame and fortune.

This whole weddin’ thing, it just goes to show ya, love is love, whether you’re a famous gymnast or just a plain ol’ country gal. And that’s a beautiful thing, ain’t it?

Simone Biles Wedding Photos: A Look Inside Her Big Day

Bless their hearts. I hope they have a long and happy life together. You know, marriage ain’t always easy, but if they stick together and work at it, they’ll be just fine. That’s the key, you see. Workin’ at it, just like tendin’ a garden or fixin’ a fence. You gotta put in the effort, day in and day out.

And from what I can tell, these two young’uns, they’re ready to do just that. So let’s raise a glass, or a cup of coffee, or whatever you got handy, and wish ‘em all the best. To Simone and Jonathan, may your love grow stronger with each passing year!

Tags: [Simone Biles, Jonathan Owens, Wedding, Marriage, Cabo, Mexico, Houston, Texas, Dress]


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