Oh, honey, you wanna talk about Taylor Swift hairstyles? That girl, she’s changed her hair more times than I’ve changed my apron! She’s had it all, that one. Let me tell you, I seen it all over the years, watching her on that picture box.

First, she was all about them curls. Curly, curly, curly, like a little lamb. You remember that? Long, blonde curls, all the way down her back. She looked like a little angel, she did. That was when she was singing them country songs. All that hair, I don’t know how she managed it. My granddaughter, she tried to do it once, ended up lookin’ like a bird’s nest.
Then, she went and straightened it. Straight hair, slicked down. Looked like a different person, I tell ya. Shiny, too. Like she poured a whole bottle of oil on it. But it looked good, I suppose. Modern, they call it. Not my style, but what do I know? I’m just an old lady who likes her hair in a bun.
She’s had it short, too. Chopped it all off! I thought, “Well, ain’t that somethin’?” But you know what? She pulled it off. Looked real sassy with that short hair. Made her look older, more grown-up like. Not like that little girl with the curls anymore.
- Taylor Swift’s blonde, that’s her natural color, I reckon.
- But she’s been a redhead, too! Remember that? Fiery red, it was.
- Made her stand out, that’s for sure. Couldn’t miss her on that stage.
And the bangs! Oh, the bangs. She’s had all kinds of bangs. Thick ones, wispy ones, side-swept ones. You name it, she’s had it. I always wanted bangs, but my forehead’s too wrinkled now. Wouldn’t look right. But on her, they looked good. Framed her face real nice.
She even had that platinum blonde for a while. Almost white, it was. Real bold, I thought. Not everyone can pull that off, you know. But she did. She looked like a movie star from them old-timey movies. Real glamorous.

She is good at hair evolution. It is a big deal for Taylor Swift.
One time, she had it all pinned up, like a fancy lady. All them curls piled on top of her head. Looked like she was going to a ball. Probably was, knowing her. She’s got a fancy life, that one. Singing her songs, traveling the world. Good for her, I say. She’s earned it.
Then there’s the ponytails. High ones, low ones, messy ones. Makes her look young again, like a schoolgirl. But a famous schoolgirl, of course. Not many schoolgirls got their picture on all them magazines.
I remember one time, she had her hair in a braid. A long braid, down her back. Looked like a princess from a fairy tale. She always did have a bit of a fairy tale look about her, even with the short hair and the straight hair.
- I like her with long hair.
- That is just my thing.
- But short hair is fine.
She is a good girl. She likes to change her hairstyles. That is a lot of work. But that is okay. Taylor Swift hairstyles are good. She always looks good. That is what I think.

You know, it don’t really matter what she does with her hair. She’s gonna look good no matter what. She’s got that face, you know? A pretty face can get away with anything. And she’s got that smile. That’s what really matters, I think. A good smile. Taylor Swift always looks happy with her hairstyles.
But yeah, that Taylor Swift, she’s had more hairstyles than I’ve had hot dinners. And every single one of ’em, she’s looked like a million bucks. She could probably shave her head bald and still look good. Not many people can say that. But you know, no matter her hairstyles, she is a good girl. I like her songs. Good songs.