So, I’ve always been curious about diamonds, you know? Like, are they really worth all that money? I mean, they’re shiny and pretty, but are they actually a good investment? I decided to find out, and let me tell you, it was a journey.

First, I started doing some digging online. I read a bunch of articles, watched some videos, and tried to get a handle on this whole diamond thing. Turns out, it’s a pretty complicated world. There’s this thing called the “4Cs” – color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. Basically, these are the factors that determine a diamond’s quality, and therefore, its price.
I learned that diamonds can actually lose quite a bit of their value after you buy them. It’s like driving a new car off the lot – the minute you own it, it’s suddenly worth less. In most cases, it is between 25% and 50% of its original purchase price. I was a bit shocked, to be honest. I thought diamonds were supposed to be forever, and all that. But I guess “forever” doesn’t necessarily mean “forever valuable.”
I decided to take it a step further. I went to a local jewelry store, just to browse and maybe ask a few questions. The lady there was super helpful. She showed me some different diamonds, explained the 4Cs in more detail, and even let me look at them under a magnifying glass. It was pretty cool to see the details up close.
I also tried to find out how much I could sell a diamond for. This is where it gets tricky. The jewelry store said they’d probably offer me about 30% of what I paid for, which was kind of a bummer, but I guess that is what most of the places will offer. I then tried to search online about how much I can get by reselling them, it says I might get around 25%-50% less than what I paid for it. That is a huge difference.
Then I did some digging about the history of diamonds. It seems like their value has gone up over time, generally speaking. So, they’re not a totally terrible investment, but they’re definitely not as solid as I thought they were. More like gold’s price, up and down sometimes.

So, here’s what I concluded:
- Diamonds do have resale value, but it’s usually a lot less than what you paid for them. So if you want to make money, don’t buy diamonds.
- The 4Cs are super important when it comes to a diamond’s worth.
- Diamonds are more of a sentimental thing than a financial investment, at least that’s my take.
- Historically, they did go up in value, but that does not mean they will keep going up.
It was a fun little experiment, and I definitely learned a lot. I’m not sure I’ll be buying any diamonds anytime soon, but at least now I know a bit more about them. Maybe one day, if I have lots of extra cash, but for now, I’m good with my regular, not-so-shiny jewelry.