Alright, so you wanna know who’s the big boss of this Jack Black skin stuff, huh? Listen up, ’cause I’m gonna tell ya what I know. It ain’t some fella named Jack Black, that’s for sure. I heard tell it’s a big company, ya know, one of them that makes all sorts of things. Edgewell Personal Care, that’s the name. Sounds fancy, don’t it? They make all kinds of stuff, not just this Jack Black stuff.

Unveiling the Owner: Who Really Owns Jack Black Skin Care?

Now, I ain’t too sure when they got their hands on it, but it was a few years back, I reckon. Folks say it was in 2018, maybe January or March, somewhere around then. They paid a whole bunch of money for it too, but I ain’t got no idea how much. Enough to buy a whole lotta cows, I betcha.

  • Edgewell Personal Care, they own it. Remember that.
  • They bought it in 2018.
  • They make more than just Jack Black. They got razors and other stuff too. Like that Shick Hydro and Bulldog stuff I saw at the store the other day.

This Jack Black, it ain’t a person, like I said. It’s just a name they made up. Someone told me they picked “Jack” ’cause it sounded American, and “Black” ’cause it rhymed. Go figure. They make stuff for men, ya know, face washes and creams and such. My grandson, he uses some of it, says it makes his face feel good. Can’t say I know much about that myself. I just use good ol’ soap and water, been doing that my whole life, and my skin’s just fine, thank you very much.

Edgewell, they’re a big deal, you see. They wanted to get into the men’s stuff, so they bought this Jack Black. Then they bought another one too, something called Bulldog Skincare. Seems like they’re trying to get all the men looking pretty these days. I tell ya, back in my day, men just washed their faces with whatever was handy and that was that. But times change, I guess.

So, there you have it. Edgewell Personal Care owns Jack Black skincare. They bought it a few years back and now they’re making all sorts of things for men. It’s a fancy company, and they make good stuff, or so my grandson tells me. I still think soap and water is good enough, but hey, what do I know? I’m just an old woman telling you what I heard.

This Edgewell company, they seem to be real interested in taking care of men’s skin. First they bought that Bulldog company and then a little while after that they snatched up Jack Black. They say Jack Black is the top dog for men’s skin stuff in America. That sounds like big money to me. Edgewell must be making a killing off of it.

Unveiling the Owner: Who Really Owns Jack Black Skin Care?

I heard tell that this Jack Black company started way back in 2000, down in Texas. Some folks named Dandurand and Dalton, they started it. Had a mission to make good stuff for men that didn’t cost an arm and a leg. Sounds like they did a pretty good job, seeing as how Edgewell wanted to buy them out.

So yeah, next time someone asks you who owns Jack Black, you just tell ‘em it’s Edgewell Personal Care. You can tell ‘em an old woman told ya, if you want. They probably won’t believe you, but that’s their problem, not yours. I’ve said my piece and now I’m gonna go make myself some tea. My throat’s getting dry from all this talking. You take care now, ya hear?

Tags: [Jack Black, Edgewell Personal Care, Skincare, Men’s Grooming, Acquisition]


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