Alright, alright, let’s gab a bit about this Brady Cunningham gal. I ain’t never met her, mind you, but I heard some folks chattin’ and figured I’d share what I know, or what I think I know, heh.

Want to know Brady Cunningham? Heres what you need

So, who is this Brady Cunningham? Well, from what I gather, she ain’t no movie star or singer, not like them folks on the TV. She’s more of a… a clothes person, you know? She makes them fancy clothes, the kind you probably wouldn’t wear to feed the chickens, that’s for sure.

Seems she went to some fancy school in New York, Parsons somethin’ or other. Learned all about designin’ and such. Then she hightailed it to Los Angeles, big city, lots of sunshine, probably more concrete than I’ve seen in my whole life.

Now, in Los Angeles, she got herself a partner, and they opened up a shop. Not just any shop, mind you, a boutique. That’s what them city folk call a fancy store, I reckon. And this boutique, it’s called TENOVERSIX. Sounds like a phone number, don’t it? Heh.

Anyway, this Brady Cunningham, she’s got a good eye for fashion, that’s what they say. She picks out all them clothes and shoes and whatnots, making sure everything looks just so. I tell ya, it’s a far cry from pickin’ out corn in the field, that’s for sure.

  • She went to Parsons School of Design.
  • She opened a boutique called TENOVERSIX in Los Angeles.
  • She’s known for her fashion sense.

Now, here’s where it gets a little tangled, like a ball of yarn the cat got into. Some folks say she’s hitched to some fella named Jason Schwartzman. He’s an actor, I think, seen him on the TV once or twice, but I can’t rightly remember what he was in. He’s got a famous family, too, his mama was in them “Rocky” movies, or so I hear.

Want to know Brady Cunningham? Heres what you need

If she is married to this Jason fella, that makes her the daughter-in-law of some big shots, Talia Shire and Jack Schwartzman. And she’d have a bunch of in-laws, Robert and John and Stephanie, somethin’ like that. Big family, I guess, probably makes for lively holidays, though I bet they don’t have no potlucks like we do.

Some folks online, they like to search for all sorts of things about Brady. They wanna know when her birthday is, what she did before she got all famous in the clothes world, all that kinda stuff. It’s like they think she’s some kinda queen or somethin’. Heh. City folk are funny that way.

So, that’s about all I know ‘bout this Brady Cunningham. A clothes designer, maybe married to an actor, lives in a big city. She seems like a hard worker, and I reckon she’s doin’ alright for herself. She ain’t no farmer, that’s for sure, but everyone’s gotta make a livin’ somehow, right?

And let me tell you somethin’, fashion or farmin’, it all comes down to hard work and knowin’ what you’re doin’. So good on her, I say. Good on her.

Folks online also compare her to other famous folks, lookin’ for connections. They throw around names like Daphne and Tom Brady, but I don’t know how that all fits together. Maybe they’re friends, maybe they’re just names that get tossed around. Like I said, city folk are funny.

Want to know Brady Cunningham? Heres what you need

Anyways, that’s the gist of it, best as I can figure. Hope it makes some sense to ya, city ways ain’t always easy to understand.

Tags: [Brady Cunningham, Fashion Designer, TENOVERSIX, Jason Schwartzman, Talia Shire, Los Angeles, Boutique]


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