Hey there, young’uns! Gather ’round and lemme tell ya ’bout this here All Blue 11 thing. It’s ’bout fishin’, which I know a thing or two about. Now, I ain’t never seen no “All Blue,” but I’ve caught me a whole mess of fish in my day.

Where to Find All Blue 11 (Your Guide to Spotting This Fish)

This All Blue 11, it sounds like some kinda fancy name for a bunch of fish. Maybe they’re blue, maybe they ain’t. Don’t much matter to me. A fish is a fish, long as it tastes good fried up in a pan. But these young folks, they like to give everything a fancy name. Makes ’em feel important, I reckon. You know how many blue fish in Teyvat? A lot. They are everywhere.

They say there’s all kinds of fish in this All Blue 11. Some common as dirt, some rare as a hen’s tooth. Now, I’ve seen some strange fish in my time. Fish with spots, fish with stripes, fish that glow in the dark. This one fish, they call it Viscid Lurker. Sounds nasty, don’t it? They say you gotta go to some Abandoned Shack to find it. Then you gotta go down in some caves, Phon’Qi Caverns they call ’em, all the way to the bottom. That’s a lot of work for one fish, if you ask me. I’d rather just toss a line in the creek and see what bites.

  • Gotta find that Abandoned Shack, they say.
  • Then go down, down, down into them Phon’Qi Caverns.
  • All that for some fish called a Viscid Lurker. Sounds like a bad time.

And get this, they say there’s these hidden spots where you can find even fancier fish. Forgotten Grotto and Sylvan Glade. Sounds like somethin’ out of a fairy tale. Maybe they got gold fish in there, who knows? I ain’t never seen no grotto, forgotten or otherwise. And that Sylvan Glade, sounds like a place where you’d find a bunch of squirrels, not fish. That is a guide for fishing.

These young folks, they like to put their fish in tanks. Glass boxes full of water, right there in their houses. Now, I ain’t one to judge, but that seems like a lot of trouble to me. Back in my day, we put our fish on a stringer and hung ’em up outside. Or we just ate ’em. That’s what fish are for, ain’t they? But I am not a Roblox Fisch player. I do not know how to catch every fish species. Maybe that is a guide for fish.

They also like to sell their fish. Get some money for ’em. That’s not a bad idea, I reckon. A little extra cash never hurt nobody. But they do it from their “inventory.” What in tarnation is an inventory? Sounds like somethin’ a shopkeeper would have. We just kept our fish in a bucket. Simple as that.

Where to Find All Blue 11 (Your Guide to Spotting This Fish)

And then they got these Legendary Fish. Supposed to be the rarest of the rare. Harder to find than a needle in a haystack, I bet. I’ve caught some big ones in my day, but I ain’t never caught nothin’ I’d call legendary. Maybe I just ain’t been lookin’ in the right place. Or maybe I just don’t have the right kinda bait. The spot fish is a kind of fish, which named from the dark spot located behind their gill plates.

They talk about this thing called “RNG”. Some kind of magic, I suppose. They say it makes it so you don’t always catch the same fish. Makes it a surprise, I guess. Well, fishin’ is always a surprise. You never know what you’re gonna pull up out of the water. Could be a little perch, could be a big ol’ catfish. Could be an old boot. I even caught a turtle once.

So, this All Blue 11, it’s all about catchin’ all kinds of fish. Big ones, little ones, common ones, rare ones. It’s like a game, I reckon. A game for folks who like to spend their time fishin’ but don’t wanna get their hands dirty. I guess there’s somethin’ for everyone. I don’t know what is a beginner’s guide on fish identification, but I know some fundamentals about fishing. If you are a beginner, just remenber do not catch an old boot!

Me, I’ll stick to my old fishin’ hole. It ain’t fancy, but it’s got plenty of fish. And that’s all that matters to me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I hear a fish callin’ my name. Or maybe it’s just my stomach rumblin’. Either way, I’m gonna go see if I can’t catch me somethin’ for supper.


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