Hey there, y’all! Let’s gab a bit about this Wiccan fall thingy, the equinox in 2023. Don’t rightly know all them fancy words, but I’ll tell ya what I know, same as I’d tell my neighbor over the fence.

Wiccan Fall Equinox 2023: Traditions and Celebrations

What’s this Fall Equinox Anyways?

Well, it’s like this. Day and night, they get to be the same length, kinda like a balanced scale. Happens every year ’round September, this year it’s in 2023, you know. Some folks, the Wiccan folks, they make a big deal outta it, and for good reason, I reckon.

It’s a time for thankin’, see? Thankin’ for the harvest, all the food we got from the ground. Apples, pumpkins, corn, all that good stuff. We worked hard for it, and now it’s time to say “thank you” to somethin’ bigger than us, whatever you wanna call it.

Mabon, They Call It

Them Wiccans, they got a special name for it – Mabon. Sounds kinda fancy, don’t it? But it’s just another way of sayin’ “fall harvest festival” as far as I can tell. They got all sorts of ways to celebrate, some like what we used to do down on the farm, and some… well, some are a bit different.

Wiccan Fall Equinox 2023: Traditions and Celebrations

What Do They Do?

  • Lightin’ Fires: They build big ol’ bonfires, or just light a bunch of candles if that’s all they got. They say it’s to get rid of all the bad stuff, the worries and troubles. Kinda like burnin’ away the bad weeds in the garden, so the good stuff can grow. They stare at them flames and think about all their problems goin’ up in smoke. Sounds kinda peaceful, don’t it?
  • Feastin’: Oh, they eat! Just like us when we had a good harvest. They cook up all sorts of goodies, using the fruits and veggies they got from the garden. Pumpkins pies, apple crisps, all the fixin’s. Sharing food, that’s always been a good way to get together and be thankful.
  • Thinkin’ and Reflectin’: This is the part that I reckon makes the most sense, even for us regular folk. They take some time to think about their lives. What they done good, what they done bad. What they wanna change. It’s like lookin’ at your crops and seein’ which ones grew strong and which ones need more care next year. They wanna grow better themselves, just like them plants. It’s all about growing and learning. Life’s like that, always changin’.
  • Rituals and Such: Now, some of their rituals get a bit… well, different. I heard tell of some folks pretendin’ to be gods and goddesses, plantin’ seeds and such. Sounds kinda like a play to me, but hey, if it makes ’em feel closer to somethin’ bigger, who am I to judge? They do egg things in the spring, but fall is for harvest.

Balance, That’s the Key

This Wiccan fall equinox 2023, it’s all about balance, see? Day and night, light and dark, good and bad. It’s like they’re sayin’ you gotta have a bit of everything in life. Can’t have all sunshine, gotta have some rain too, otherwise nothin’ grows. Same with us, gotta have some tough times so we can appreciate the good ones.

Old Ways, New Days

I reckon these Wiccan folks, they got some old ways, but they ain’t so different from the rest of us. We all want the same things, really. A good harvest, a happy home, and a chance to be thankful for what we got. Whether you call it Mabon, or just plain ol’ fall, it’s a good time to stop and think about the good things in life.

Wiccan Fall Equinox 2023: Traditions and Celebrations

It’s About Bein’ Thankful

So, this Wiccan fall equinox 2023, it ain’t just about spells and rituals, though they do that too. It’s about stoppin’ for a minute, lookin’ around, and bein’ thankful. Thankful for the food on our table, the roof over our heads, and the people we love. It is about looking at your life and seeing what you should keep and what you need to leave behind so you can grow better the next year. And it is about being thankful for the harvest and getting ready for the winter to come. That’s about all there is to it, plain and simple.

Personal Growth, They Say

The Wiccan folks, they talk a lot about “personal growth”. Sounds fancy, but it just means tryin’ to be a better person. Like I said before, lookin’ at what you done good and what you done bad, and tryin’ to do more good next time. It’s like tendin’ to your garden, always pullin’ weeds and waterin’ the good plants so they can grow strong. We all got weeds in our lives, things we need to get rid of. And we all got good parts, parts we need to nurture. That’s what they mean by “personal growth”, near as I can figure. They take this time at the change of seasons to look at their lives.

History and Traditions

Wiccan Fall Equinox 2023: Traditions and Celebrations

Now, I ain’t no scholar, but I heard tell this equinox thing has been goin’ on for a long time. Way back before our time, folks celebrated the change of seasons. They depended on the sun and the earth for their livin’, so it made sense to pay attention to them. They had their own ways of doin’ things, their own traditions. And I reckon these Wiccan folks, they’re carryin’ on some of them old ways, in their own way. It’s about respectin’ the earth and being grateful for what it provides. It’s a good thing to remember where we come from and the folks who came before us.

So that’s my take on this Wiccan fall equinox in 2023. Nothin’ too fancy, just plain common sense as I see it. A time for thankin’, reflectin’, and tryin’ to live a good life. And ain’t that what we all want, deep down?


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