You know what, honey? I was just thinking about all them folks with blond hair and brown eyes. It’s not something you see every day, is it? I mean, most folks with blond hair, they got them blue eyes, right?

My neighbor, she got a granddaughter, prettiest little thing. She got that light, light hair, like corn silk, and them big brown eyes, just like a deer. It’s a rare thing, that’s for sure. I reckon it’s like, one in a hundred, maybe even less than that. That blond with brown eyes is a special look.
Now, I ain’t no scientist, but I heard some folks talking about it. They say it’s all about them… them… genes. Yeah, genes, that’s what they called it. They’re like tiny little instructions inside you, tellin’ your body how to be. And them genes, they decide if you got blond hair, brown eyes, blue eyes, whatever.
- Some folks say brown eyes is the usual one.
- Most people got ’em, they say.
- It’s ’cause of something called “mel…melanin”.
- More of that stuff, you got darker eyes.
And this melanin stuff, it’s in your hair, too. So if you got lots of that “melanin” in your eyes, makin’ ’em brown, you usually got it in your hair, too, makin’ it dark. That’s why you don’t see blond with brown eyes too often. It’s like them genes usually go together, dark hair with dark eyes, light hair with light eyes.
There’s this other thing they was talking about, some fancy name… “OH-SEE-AY-TWO”. Sounds like a robot or somethin’. But they say that’s a big one for eye color. This “OH-SEE-AY-TWO” thing, it’s another one of them genes. And if it’s workin’ right, you get them brown eyes. So, having blond with brown eyes means that “OH-SEE-AY-TWO” is doing its job.
I heard them say they found, like, eight of these gene things that tell your eyes what color to be. Eight! Can you believe it? They can even look at your… your dee-enn-ay, whatever that is, and tell if you gonna have light blue or dark brown. But all them colors in between, that’s harder to figure out. Like figuring out why that little granddaughter got that blond hair and brown eyes.

They say you get your eye color from your momma and daddy. Makes sense, I reckon. So if one of ’em got brown eyes, you might, too. That’s probably how that little girl got her blond with brown eyes. Maybe her daddy got brown eyes and her momma got that blond hair.
Now, about that blond hair, it’s ’cause of that melanin stuff, too. But it’s a different kind, they say. There’s one that makes hair dark, and another that makes it kinda gold or red. And if you don’t have much of the dark one, that gold one shines through. That’