Alright, so I had these Ugg boots, right? Super comfy, but man, they were looking rough. I mean, seriously dirty. I was thinking, “Can I just toss these things in the washing machine?” I did some digging online, and let me tell you, the answers were all over the place. Some folks said it was a big no-no, others were like, “Yeah, but be careful.” So, I decided to roll up my sleeves and just figure it out myself.

Can I Put My Uggs in the Washer?  Quick Answers to Your Ugg Cleaning Questions!

First things first, I gave those boots a good once-over. I grabbed a brush and knocked off all the loose dirt and stuff from the outside. Then, I took a vacuum and sucked out any dirt hiding on the inside—you wouldn’t believe the stuff that came out!

Pre-cleaning Experiment

  • Brushed off the loose dirt from the outside of the boots.
  • Vacuumed the inside to remove any hidden debris.

Now, the big question: detergent. I read somewhere that you’re supposed to use special sheepskin detergent. Honestly, I didn’t have any of that, and I wasn’t about to go on a wild goose chase for it. I figured regular mild detergent, the kind you use for delicates, should do the trick. I mean, it’s gentle enough, right?

Next, I filled up the washer with cold water. Hot water and Uggs? That’s a recipe for disaster, I’m pretty sure. Cold water it is. I added just a little bit of that mild detergent, not too much, and I threw in a couple of towels to keep the boots company. I figured they could cushion the boots during the wash. It’s like giving them a little spa treatment.

Washing Process

  • Filled the washer with cold water.
  • Added a small amount of mild detergent.
  • Included a few towels for cushioning.
  • Selected the gentle cycle.

I set the washer to the gentle cycle—you know, the one that’s supposed to be all nice and easy on your clothes. I hit start and held my breath.

Once the cycle was done, I pulled those boots out. They were soaked, obviously, but they looked clean! I stuffed them with paper towels to help them keep their shape and set them out to air dry. No dryers, no direct sunlight—just good old-fashioned air. That part took a while, like a whole day and night, I left it out for about 24 hours.

Can I Put My Uggs in the Washer?  Quick Answers to Your Ugg Cleaning Questions!

And guess what? They turned out great! Clean, fluffy, and no worse for wear. So, there you have it. You can wash Uggs in the machine, just be smart about it. No special detergent needed, at least not for me. Just some good old common sense and a little bit of luck. They’re not ruined, they actually look pretty good!

Drying and Results

  • Stuffed the boots with paper towels to maintain shape.
  • Air-dried the boots away from heat and sunlight for 24 hours.
  • Achieved clean, fluffy boots with no damage.

So, yeah, that’s my Ugg washing adventure. Hope this helps someone out there who’s wondering the same thing. Just remember to be gentle and patient, and your Uggs should be just fine.


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