Oh boy, let me tell you about the time I tried to get that Drake heart haircut. You know, the one with the little heart shaved into the hairline? Yeah, that one. I saw it on the internet and thought, “Hey, I can pull that off!” Big mistake.

Drake Heart Hair Trend: How to Recreate It (Simple Guide to Drakes Heart Haircut)

First off, I went to my usual barber. The guy’s been cutting my hair for years, does a decent fade, you know? I showed him a picture of Drake and said, “I want this.” He looked at me like I had three heads. After a bit of back and forth, he agreed to give it a shot.

He started with the usual buzz cut. So far, so good. I was feeling pretty confident at this point. Then came the tricky part – the heart. He took out this tiny trimmer and started to carefully etch the shape into my hairline. I’m sitting there, trying not to move a muscle, imagining how cool I’m gonna look.

About 20 minutes later, he spun me around to face the mirror. Oh boy. It wasn’t exactly a heart. It was more like a… lopsided blob. I tried to be polite, but I couldn’t help but laugh. It was just so bad. I mean I’m a big fan of Drake, and I know he made this his hairstyle for his sixth studio album “Certified Lover Boy”, but it’s a very hard hairstyle to accomplish.

  • Buzz the hair down to the desired length.
  • Create the heart shape using a trimmer.
  • Line up the edges to make the heart stand out.

I ended up just asking him to shave the whole thing off. I learned my lesson that day. Some hairstyles are best left to the professionals, or maybe just to Drake himself. I’ll stick to my regular cuts from now on, thank you very much.

Anyway, that’s my story of how I tried and failed to get the Drake heart haircut. It was a good laugh, but I definitely won’t be trying that again anytime soon!

Drake Heart Hair Trend: How to Recreate It (Simple Guide to Drakes Heart Haircut)


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