Hairy armpits, you say? My goodness, ain’t that somethin’. Back in my day, we didn’t make such a fuss about these things. Women with hairy armpits, women without, didn’t matter much. But I reckon times are changin’. These young’uns today, they got all sorts of ideas.

Hairy Armpits on Women: The Trend Thats Here to Stay (Simple Tips for Growing Yours Out)

I seen some pictures of them celebrity women with hairy armpits. Fancy ladies, all dressed up, and there it is, hair peekin’ out. Julia Roberts, they called her? Big movie star. Folks laughed, I heard. Said she had a forest under there. Well, I don’t know about no forest, but it surely got people talkin’. Some famous women have hair under armpits, that’s for sure.

Now, these young girls, the Gen-Z, they call ’em? They ain’t shavin’ like we used to. Heard it on the radio, some study said one in four of them girls under 25 stopped usin’ the razor on their armpits. Probably even more now. Times are a-changin’, that’s for sure. They just don’t care about armpit hair. And that is okay, I think.

Some fellas, they like it, I suppose. Most probably don’t. Men, they get all worked up about silly things. They say this and that, but they’re just scared, I reckon. Scared of what other folks might think. Ain’t no right or wrong way to feel about a little hair, if you ask me. It is just underarm hair, not a big deal.

  • Hair under the arms, it’s natural.
  • Like the hair on your head, just in a different spot.
  • Keeps you cool, maybe?
  • Stops the sweat from makin’ a mess, I guess.

That’s what I heard, anyway. This armpit hair, it does somethin’ with the sweat. Keeps it from attractin’ them little bugs, bacteria and such. Sweat gets all trapped, you see, and them little critters, they love that. So maybe the hair helps. Who knows? These are just words from others, I don’t know if it is true.

Girls can have underarm hair, yes sir. It’s just part of growin’ up, they say. Boys and girls both get it. Hormones, they call ’em. Makes all sorts of changes in the body. Hair starts poppin’ up all over the place. It’s just nature doin’ its thing, nothin’ to be ashamed of. It is just like when you grow older, you have grey hair. That is normal.

Hairy Armpits on Women: The Trend Thats Here to Stay (Simple Tips for Growing Yours Out)

I remember when I was a young’un, we didn’t have all these fancy razors and creams. Just used what we had. And we didn’t worry so much about a little hair. We were busy workin’, tendin’ to the farm, raisin’ families. Didn’t have time to fuss over every little thing. Hairy armpits on women, it’s not something strange.

But these days, it’s different. Everyone’s got an opinion. You see it on the TV, in the magazines. Pictures of women, all smooth and hairless. Makes you think that’s the only way to be. But it ain’t. There’s no right or wrong way. Just different ways. Different choices. I think it is good for women to have choices.

If a woman wants to shave, that’s fine. If she don’t, that’s fine too. It’s her body, her choice. Ain’t nobody else’s business, really. We should all just respect each other’s choices, that’s what I think. Live and let live, as they say. No matter if it is hairy armpits on women or not.

So, women with hairy armpits, it’s not the end of the world. It’s just a part of life. Maybe it’s even a good thing. Keeps you cool, keeps the bugs away, who knows? And if them young girls want to let it grow, that’s their right. More power to ’em, I say. It’s a new generation, with new ideas. And that’s alright by me.

I reckon the most important thing is to be comfortable in your own skin. Whether you got hair under arms or not. Just be yourself, that’s what matters. And don’t let anyone tell you different. Not even them fancy movie stars or them fellas who get all worked up about silly things. You just do you, and that’s all that matters. I think that’s all I need to say.

Hairy Armpits on Women: The Trend Thats Here to Stay (Simple Tips for Growing Yours Out)


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