Alright, so I’ve been seeing this word “Louboutin” all over the place – you know, the fancy shoes with the red soles? And every time I see it, I’m like, “How do you even say that?” It looked French to me, and let me tell you, my French is rusty at best.

So, I decided to figure this out once and for all. I started by just saying it how it looked to me, “Loo-bow-tin.” Nope, that didn’t sound right. I asked a few friends, and they all had different ways of saying it. Some said “Loo-boo-tin,” others went with “Low-boo-tan.” It was a mess!
My Baby Steps
Then, I dove into the internet. I typed “how to say Louboutin” into the search bar. I found a bunch of articles and videos, and guess what? It is indeed a French name.
- I listened to some audio clips, and they all pronounced it “Loo-boo-tahn.” The “Lou” sounds like “loo,” the “bou” is like “boo,” and the “tin” is pronounced “tahn,” with the emphasis on the “boo” part. It felt a bit weird at first, but the more I repeated it, the more natural it sounded.
- I also learned that the designer’s name is Christian Louboutin, and apparently, the way you say his last name is the same way you say the brand name. Makes sense, right? His name is pronounced “Kri-stian Loo-boo-tahn”.
So, there you have it. After a bit of research and some practice, I finally mastered the pronunciation of “Louboutin.” It’s “Loo-boo-tahn,” and now I can say it with confidence, even if I can’t afford a pair just yet. But hey, at least I can talk about them like I know what I’m saying! And maybe one day, I’ll even own a pair of those iconic red-soled shoes. A girl can dream, right?