Well, honey, let me tell you somethin’. This itchiness after that tanning bed thing, it’s a real pain in the you-know-where. I been usin’ that thing, tryin’ to get a little color, you know? But good lord, the itching after tanning bed is enough to drive a person crazy!

Itching After Tanning Bed? (Heres Why It Happens and What to Do!)

So, why am I so itchy after tanning bed? I heard it might be the dry skin. You see, that tanning bed, it just sucks all the moisture right outta ya. Like a shriveled up prune, that’s what my skin feels like. It’s so dry, it cracks and itches somethin’ fierce. It’s real annoying. I try to put on some lotion, but it don’t always help that much. This is one reason why I feel itchy after using tanning bed.

Then there’s the sunburn. Now, I try to be careful, I really do. But sometimes, you just lay in there a little too long, and bam! You’re as red as a lobster. And let me tell ya, a sunburn itches like the dickens. It’s like a thousand little ants crawlin’ all over ya. And scratchin’ just makes it worse, but you can’t help it! It’s a vicious cycle, I tell ya.

  • Dry skin
  • Sunburn
  • Maybe something else

I also heard that some folks get a rash. Tanning bed rash they call it. I ain’t never had that, thank goodness. But I heard it’s real bad. Red bumps and itchy all over. Sounds awful, don’t it? Like poison ivy or somethin’. If you get a rash after using the tanning bed, maybe that’s why you’re so itchy. I also heard it might be from somethin’ called “hives”, but I don’t know nothin’ about that, sounds terrible though. If you’re itchy, maybe you got that, too.

Now, my neighbor, she told me she got itchy once after using a tanning bed, and it turned out she was allergic to somethin’ in the bed. Maybe the cleaner they use, or somethin’. So, that’s another thing to think about. Allergic reaction, she called it. If you been usin’ a tanning bed a lot and never had a problem, and then all of a sudden you’re itchy, maybe that’s what it is. You just don’t know what you put on your skin, you know?

If you ask me why am I so itchy after tanning bed, I think it could be lots of things. Dry skin, sunburn, rash, maybe even an allergy. I swear, sometimes I think these newfangled things are more trouble than they’re worth. This itching is so annoying. And it’s not good for ya, either. I heard that tanning bed can give you wrinkles and make you look old before your time. And somethin’ about skin cancer, too. Scary stuff, let me tell ya.

Itching After Tanning Bed? (Heres Why It Happens and What to Do!)

So, what can you do about this itching after tanning bed? Well, I’ve tried a few things. Like I said, lotion helps some. The thicker the better, I find. And sometimes I’ll take a cool bath. That seems to soothe the skin a bit. And don’t scratch! I know it’s hard, but scratchin’ just makes it worse. Try to leave it be and it get better after some time. But if you can’t stand it, maybe try some of that aloe vera. That’s what they use for sunburns, right? Maybe use the green gel from those plants, you just break off a leaf and rub it on. That might help.

That’s very useful. I heard it is good for the itchiness. You can find it in the store, too, if you ain’t got the plant. Or maybe try some of that cream they sell for bug bites and stuff. The kind with the… oh, what’s it called… hydro-something. Hydrocortisone, that’s it. That might take the edge off. It’s for swelling and itching. It might help if you’re really sufferin’.

If itching after tanning bed is really bad, and nothin’ seems to help, you might need to see a doctor. They might know somethin’ we don’t. Maybe give you some special cream or somethin’. I don’t know. I ain’t never been to the doctor for itchin’, but I suppose there’s a first time for everything. Just try those other things first, the aloe vera, the hydrocortisone cream, cool baths. Those usually do the trick for me.

It’s best not to use those tanning beds too much anyway. Get your color the old-fashioned way, from the sun. Just be careful not to get burned. And if you’re using tanning bed, I think you should use it less. That’s all I know about this itchiness business. Hope it helps ya some. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go put some more lotion on. This dry skin is drivin’ me nuts!


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