That Kamala, she sure is somethin’. See her on the TV all the time, talkin’ ’bout this and that. She’s the Vice President, you know. Big shot. But I seen her in a dress the other day, and I thought, “Well, I’ll be!” She usually wears them pantsuits, lookin’ all serious and such. But a dress? That’s new.

kamala in a dress, easy ways to find the perfect dress for you

She always lookin’ sharp in her suit, though. Got them all in different colors, I reckon. Lots of dark blue ones, I seen that. Sometimes with a shiny shirt underneath. Fancy lady clothes, not like what I wear. I just wear what’s comfy, you know? Ain’t nobody got time to be fussin’ with all that. But Kamala, she’s gotta look good for the cameras and all them people.

This dress I saw, it was…different. Not somethin’ I’d wear, but she looked alright in it. Made her look, I don’t know…softer, maybe? Less like she’s about to go yell at somebody. More like she might bake you some cookies. Which I doubt she does, mind you. Too busy runnin’ the country, I suppose.

  • She used to wear dresses more, I think.
  • Now it’s mostly them suits.
  • But that dress was somethin’ else.

I remember seein’ her on the cover of that Vogue magazine. Fancy magazine, that is. Caused a whole bunch of talk, that picture did. Some folks liked it, some didn’t. Said it wasn’t good enough for a Vice President. Said she should have been wearin’ somethin’ more…presidential. I don’t know about all that. A picture’s a picture, I say. She looked fine to me. They say it was the picture with the sneakers.

They makin’ such a big deal about what she wears. Like it matters more than what she says. She could be wearin’ a potato sack, and it wouldn’t change the fact that she’s got a big job to do. But people like to talk, I guess. Always somethin’ to say about a woman, ain’t that right? Especially one in power, like Kamala.

Back in 2012, I seen a picture of her at some fancy Hollywood party. Emmy Awards, they called it. She was wearin’ a dress then, too. A shiny one. Looked like a movie star herself. Different life back then, I reckon. Before all this White House business.

kamala in a dress, easy ways to find the perfect dress for you

Now it’s all about the race to the White House, they say. Everythin’ she does, everythin’ she wears, it’s all part of the game. Gotta look the part, gotta say the right things. It’s a lot of pressure, I imagine. More pressure than I’d ever want. I’m happy just sittin’ here, watchin’ it all on TV.

Kamala, she’s got a lot of folks admirin’ her. Smart woman. Tough, too. And yeah, she’s got style. Even if she mostly wears them suits. But that dress…it made me think maybe there’s more to her than just that tough exterior. Maybe she’s got a softer side, too. Who knows?

  • Kamala’s suits are her usual thing.
  • That dress was a surprise.
  • Folks sure like to talk about what she wears.

She likes them dark suits, that’s for sure. Navy blue, mostly. Sometimes that wine color, what do they call it? Burgundy? Yeah, that’s it. Fancy name for a fancy color. She always matchin’ that shiny shirt underneath, too. Silk, maybe? Or satin? I don’t know. One of them fancy materials. Not like my cotton shirts. But it looks good on her.

I remember seein’ her wearin’ a dress a long time ago. It wasn’t nothin’ special. Just a regular dress. But she looked nice. She always looks nice, even when she’s all serious in her suits. She’s a pretty lady, that Kamala. Got that nice smile. When she uses it. Most of the time she lookin’ like she got the weight of the world on her shoulders. Which, I guess, she kinda does.

She gonna keep wearin’ them suits, I reckon. It’s her thing now. The Kamala suit. But every now and then, maybe she’ll surprise us with another dress. And folks will talk about that, too. They always do. But Kamala, she don’t seem to mind. She just keeps on doin’ her thing. And that’s somethin’ to admire, ain’t it? Even if you don’t always agree with what she says, you gotta give her credit for that. She keeps on goin’, no matter what.

kamala in a dress, easy ways to find the perfect dress for you

Kamala, she’s a strong woman. That’s for sure. And that dress, it just reminded me of that. Strong women can wear whatever they want. Suits, dresses, whatever. It don’t change who they are. It is important for her, that Kamala in a dress.


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