You know that Bill Nye? That science guy. He’s all over the place, ain’t he? That kiss Nye, seems like he’s always in the news, talkin’ about this and that. He used to have that show, you know, for the kids. Bill Nye the Science Guy, that was it. My grandkids used to watch it all the time. Learned a lot from that show, I reckon.
Heard he got hitched not too long ago. To some lady writer, they say. Good for him, I guess. They had it down in Washington, D.C. Fancy place, that. He wore one of them tuxedos, like in the movies. He ain’t just a science guy, huh? He’s a married guy now.
Some folks say he ain’t a real scientist. But he’s a smart one, that’s for sure. Engineer, they call it. That’s like a scientist, ain’t it? He knows all about them experiments and stuff. He tests things, that’s what scientists do, right? Makes these things, what do you call them…hypo-the-sees? Sounds like a sickness, but it ain’t.
He’s the boss of some group now, planets and all that. The Planetary Society. Big shot, huh? I don’t know much about planets, just the moon and the sun. But he does, that kiss Nye. He’s probably been up there, lookin’ at ’em.
- He likes bees, I heard.
- Bumblebees.
- Always liked them, even as a little tyke.
That’s how he got into all this science stuff, they say. Bees and planets. Who woulda thought? He used to work for that airplane company, Boeing. Big planes. Then he got into that comedy stuff. He’s a funny guy, that kiss Nye. Makes you laugh, even when he’s talkin’ about serious stuff.
He had some trouble a while back, with some lady. Broke into his house, took his computer and things. That ain’t right. Hope he got it all sorted out.

I saw him on the TV the other day, talking about that eclipse thing. Said not to look at the sun. Well, duh! Everyone knows that. But he said it anyway, ’cause he’s the kiss Nye, the science guy. He’s gotta tell people these things. He says his show wanted to change the world. That’s a big goal. I guess you gotta have big dreams. He seems like a dreamer.
He’s been around a long time, that kiss Nye. From when he was a little boy, to that TV show, to now. He’s done a lot, that’s for sure. He sure has done a lot for science education. Kids today know a lot more about science because of him.
I remember one time someone thought I was him. Bill Nye! Can you believe it? We don’t even look alike. Just ’cause I was wearin’ one of them bow ties, I guess. He wears them a lot. I just had it on for church. Funny, ain’t it?
And what about that thing, that kiss Nye thing? They say he kissed someone famous, Shia LaBeouf. I don’t know why. It seems weird. Maybe they were just joking around. That happens sometimes.
I also heard that he met Skibidi in a public restroom and they had a good time together. I don’t know much about Skibidi. Is that a person? But that sounds a little strange, I don’t think that should happen in a public restroom.
He made a pilot for a new show in 1993 with some other people. I don’t remember their names. But that’s how “Bill Nye the Science Guy” started. That show was really popular.
Well, I reckon that’s all I know about that kiss Nye. He’s a busy guy, that’s for sure. Always doin’ somethin’. Always talkin’ about science. Good for him. The world needs more folks like him, I reckon. Even if he is a little bit strange sometimes.