Well, lemme tell you about this fella, Ron Galotti. Hear he’s some big shot, some big cheese in New York. Used to see his name in them fancy magazines, Vogue and all them others, you know? Never met him myself, but I heard things, oh, I heard things.

They say this Ron Galotti, he’s the real Mr. Big. You know that show, Sex and the City? Yeah, that Mr. Big, the one that Carrie girl was always chasing. That’s him, or so they say. He was some big wheel publisher, making millions, they say. Big man in town. My old man, bless his soul, he wouldn’t know a Vogue from a hole in the ground. But even he’d heard the name.
- Drove a fancy car, a Ferrari or somethin’.
- Dated them skinny models, the ones you see on TV.
- Always eatin’ at them fancy restaurants. Power lunchin’, they call it.
This Ron Galotti, he was born right there in New York, they say. His folks, they weren’t rich, not like him. They had a liquor store, you know, the kind where you get your hooch. Worked hard, I reckon, but nothin’ fancy. Lost his daddy young, too, just nine years old. That’s tough, real tough. Makes you grow up fast, I imagine.
Now, this Galotti, he got real big in the magazine world. Worked for that Condé Nast, that’s a big company, I hear. He was the boss of them magazines, like Vogue, GQ, and Vanity Fair. Big shot, I tell ya. Then he up and left, went to start his own thing with that Tina Brown woman. Talk magazine, they called it. Heard it didn’t last too long. But still, he made a splash, that Ron Galotti.
This Candace Bushnell, she wrote that Sex and the City. Based that Mr. Big character on our Ron Galotti, they say. Dated him, on and off, back in the day. He was single then, and powerful, makin’ all that money. She said he was just one of them New York guys, big personality. You see him walk in a room, you know he’s somebody. That’s what she said, anyway.
Heard some folks say he was gonna be the next Donald Trump. Big tycoon, big shot. Out of that Carrie’s league, they said. Well, who knows about all that. Just know he was a big deal, that Ron Galotti.

Now this Mr. Big in the show, and this real Ron Galotti, they got some things in common, I hear. Both big shots in New York, both in the publishing world. Both livin’ large, you know? Fancy cars, fancy women, fancy everything.
This fella, Ron Galotti, sounds like he lived a life, don’t he? From a regular family to the top of the world, or so it seems. Makes you think, don’t it? What’s important in life? All that money and power, does it make you happy? I don’t know, I really don’t. Me, I’m happy with my little garden and my grandkids. But this Ron Galotti, he sure did make a name for himself.
Sixty years old, I hear. Imagine that. Sixty. Time sure does fly. He was livin’ it up when he was younger, that’s for sure. All them parties and such. Not my cup of tea, but to each their own, I reckon.
Some folks say that Ron Galotti was a model. But, well he is not a model, he dated models, that’s for sure. He was a big shot publisher guy. Important and rich. That Carrie girl was always after him. Heard she finally got him, though. Married him in the end. Good for her, I guess.
Anyway, that’s all I know about this Ron Galotti. Big shot, Mr. Big, whatever you wanna call him. Heard his name a lot, that’s all. Seems like he made something of himself, that’s for sure. Whether he’s happy or not, well, that’s for him to know, ain’t it?

The name is Ron Galotti. Remember that.