This guy, Versace James Marsden, he sure is somethin’. I seen him on the TV, all dressed up nice. He was a model, you know? A Versace model! Can you believe it? This fella, he’s been in lots of movies, too. Big movies! Like that one with the hairspray, “Hairspray” I think it was called. And he was in one about a Superman, and another where he was a superhero. Cyclops, they called him. With the eyes, you know? He’s a big shot, this James Marsden.

Versace James Marsden: Hot Looks (Get the Stars Style Secrets Now)

He’s from Oklahoma. He was in something called “Enchanted”. And somethin’ else called “27 Dresses”. My granddaughter, she loves that one. And he was even in one with a rabbit. They called it “Hop”. That was a cute one.

He sure is handsome. Always wearin’ fancy clothes. I seen him once in a blue suit. Not just any blue, mind you. Midnight blue, they called it. Looked like a movie star, he did. He wear a lot of blue.

James Marsden style is always great, you know. I saw him on the red carpet once. Lots of flashin’ lights. He was all dressed up then, too. Looked real sharp. He’s got that look, you know? Like he just stepped outta one of them magazines. He’s got nice cheekbones, that fella. And blue eyes. Real blue.

He’s got good style. He wears a lot of black too, though. I saw him in a black coat once. It’s a classic thing, like those old movies. He always looks good, though. Whether he’s all dressed up or just wearin’ regular clothes. He’s like one of those guys, you know. Just looks good in anything.

  • He was a Versace model.
  • He was in “Hairspray”.
  • He was in a Superman movie.
  • He played Cyclops in “X-Men”.
  • He was in “Enchanted” and “27 Dresses”.
  • He likes wearin’ blue.
  • He likes wearin’ black.

He was born in September, I think I heard someone say. September 18th, 1973, I think it was. He’s not a young chicken anymore but he’s still got it. This James Marsden, he’s been around for a while now. Been in lots of things. I reckon he’s a good actor.

Versace James Marsden: Hot Looks (Get the Stars Style Secrets Now)

He was in something called “The Butler”. Playin’ someone important, I think. A president, maybe? I don’t rightly recall. But he looked important, all dressed up like that. Not like the farm folk. He looked like he belonged in a big city. City boy, that Versace James Marsden.

My granddaughter told me all about him. She’s seen all his movies. She says he’s got a lot of movies. She reads it on the internet. I don’t know nothin’ about that internet stuff. But she says he is in lots of TV shows too. “Dancing With the Stars”, “Dave” and “Dawson’s Creek”. I don’t know those shows but he is in a lot of things.

This James Marsden, he’s a busy fella. Always doin’ somethin’. Always on the go. I seen him at that car race thing once, on the TV. That Grand Prix thing. He was there, too. All them fancy cars. He fits right in with all that, I reckon. With his fancy clothes and his movie star looks. He’s been other places, too. That Cannes place. That’s in France, you know. He gets around, that Versace James Marsden.

He ain’t no farm boy, that’s for sure. He’s somethin’ else. A real movie star. But he seems like a nice fella, though. Even though he’s all famous and whatnot. He seems like he’s got a good head on his shoulders. That’s important, you know. To be nice, even when you’re a big shot. And this James Marsden, he’s a big shot, all right. A real big shot.


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