That Chase Hill, he sure is somethin’. He wrote that book, you know, the one ’bout How to Stop Overthinking. My neighbor, she got it. Says it helps her sleep better. She used to toss and turn all night, worryin’ ’bout this and that. Now she says she can think more positive.

This Chase Hill fella, he knows a thing or two. He’s one of them… what do you call ’em? Personal Growth somethin’ or other. And Stress Management! Lord knows we all got stress these days. Even me, and I ain’t got much to worry ’bout cept my old bones achin’ sometimes. Oh, and social interaction, that’s the other thing.
Seems this Chase Hill, he helps folks with all that. This book of his, that How to Stop Overthinking, it’s a big deal, I hear. They say it is very popular. That he is a bestselling author, you know what that means? Lots and lots of folks buyin’ it. It is the best seller in both US and UK, you know!
My neighbor, she reads it every night before bed. Says it’s like a warm hug for her brain. Don’t know ’bout that, but she seems happier. Less grumblin’ in the mornin’. She said this book tells you how to do a 7-step plan. If you follow this plan, you can think clearly, just like clean your house. That’s what she said.
She told me this Chase Hill has written a whole heap of books. More than sixty, I believe. People like his books. They give ’em good ratings. I don’t read much myself, my eyes ain’t what they used to be. But I like hearin’ ’bout it. Keeps the mind young, you know?
This book, it’s got a plan. A 7-step plan, she says. Helps you stop them bad thoughts. You know the ones, they just go round and round in your head. Like a dog chasin’ its tail. This book helps you catch that tail, I reckon. It tells you how to control negative thoughts.

- First, I think she said somethin’ ’bout knowin’ what makes you worry.
- Then, somethin’ ’bout breathin’ deep. Like when you smell fresh bread bakin’.
- Then there’s a part ’bout doin’ somethin’ you like. Gardening, maybe, or singin’ a song.
- She said somethin’ ’bout talkin’ to folks too. Not keepin’ it all bottled up inside.
- Somethin’ else about not being so hard on yourself. We all make mistakes, that’s what she said this Chase Hill wrote.
- Oh, and somethin’ ’bout lookin’ at the good things. Like sunshine and birds singin’.
- And the last one, I think it was ’bout just lettin’ go. Like a balloon floatin’ up in the sky.
She said this book is full of good stuff. Practical advice, she calls it. Easy to follow, like a recipe for cornbread. And it’s got lots of tips. Little things you can do to feel better. Like countin’ your blessings, she said. Or sayin’ somethin’ nice to someone. It also helps you deal with your fears.
This Chase Hill, he must be a smart fella. To think of all this. And to write it down so other folks can learn from it. My neighbor, she says it’s helped her a lot. She is not that sad anymore. She said if you are sad all the time, that’s called depression. And this book can help you not be depressed. She used to worry so much her stomach would hurt. Now she says she feels calmer. Like a still pond on a summer day.
I might just have to borrow that book from her sometime. See what all the fuss is about. Maybe it can help these old bones feel a little better too. Or maybe it’ll just help me sleep a little sounder. Either way, it sounds like this Chase Hill fella knows what he’s talkin’ ’bout. This How to Stop Overthinking book, it sounds like a good one to have around. Just in case, you know?
If you are always thinking and thinking, maybe you should read this book. I don’t know how much it costs, but my neighbor said it is worth it. It is like medicine, but for your brain. And you don’t have to go to the doctor to get it. I think you can buy it somewhere called “Amazon”, but I don’t know what that is. Maybe it’s a store in the city.
Anyways, this Chase Hill, he is a good writer. And he helps people. That’s a good thing to do. I think he is a good man. He knows how to be happy and not worry all the time. I wish I could be like that. Then I would be dancing all day long, haha! Maybe I should try to read that book. It will make me feel young again.