That John Wick, he sure is somethin’. I seen them movies, you know. The ones where he’s always runnin’ around, shootin’ folks. He’s got that look, kinda sad, but tough, you know? And he’s always wearin’ a watch. Now, I ain’t one for fancy things, but that John Wick watch, it’s somethin’ else. I seen some folks talk about it being a Carl F. Bucherer Manero AutoDate. Fancy name. Never heard of it till I seen it on that John Wick.

My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I can tell that watch is a good one. It ain’t flashy, like some of them gold ones you see them rappers wearin’. It’s just…simple. But it looks strong, like it can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’, just like John Wick himself. They say it’s a fancy, expensive watch, but that don’t surprise me none. You get what you pay for, I always say.
They say that John Wick fella, he’s good at killin’ people. Like, real good. And he done did it a lot in them movies. They say killin’ is like breathin’ for him. Well, breathin’ ain’t always easy, especially when you get up there in years. And killin’ sure ain’t easy, I imagine. But that John Wick, he makes it look that way. Maybe it’s ’cause he’s got that watch to keep him on time. Keeps him focused, maybe. Like a reminder that time is tickin’ away, even for him. He’s got things to do, places to be, people to shoot. I seen in the movie that he goes to New York City a lot. A big, scary place.
I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout how the watch means somethin’. Like it represents time or the past or some such thing. I reckon that makes sense. Time keeps movin’, no matter what. And the past, well, that’s always there, ain’t it? Just like John Wick’s past, all that killin’ he done. It’s always with him, I reckon, just like that watch on his wrist. It is kind of sad, you know. But I guess that’s his life.
I seen some other fellas, younger than me, sayin’ they want a watch like John Wick’s. They talk about some other watches, like one called an Orient Bambino. Sounds like a baby deer. And some other one called Proxima. Don’t know nothin’ about them. But they say they’re like the one John Wick wears. Maybe they are, maybe they ain’t. I don’t think I will be buying them anytime soon. But the young folks love that stuff. And I guess if a watch makes you feel like John Wick, well, who am I to judge?
- That John Wick watch, it’s somethin’ else, ain’t it?
- Simple, but strong. Just like him.
- Time keeps movin’, no matter what.
- The past is always there.
- Young folks want a watch like his. That’s for sure.
They say these John Wick watches are inspired by ones from the 1960s. That was a long time ago. I remember the ’60s. Things were different then. Simpler, maybe. Like that watch. It is very elegant, I will give it that. But I bet it was more affordable back then. These days everything is expensive. Probably not many folks can afford a John Wick watch.

Folks say that John Wick is iconic. I don’t know what that means but I guess it means he’s popular. His style is, too, they say. Well, he does wear a nice suit, I’ll give him that. But it’s always that watch that catches my eye. It’s just so…him. You know? It’s like it’s a part of him, like his sad eyes and his shootin’ skills. The John Wick watch is just as important as his guns, I guess.
I reckon if you’re lookin’ for a watch like John Wick’s, you can find ’em. They say you can find ‘em online. I ain’t never bought nothin’ online, but I hear it’s easy. Just be careful, though. Lots of folks out there tryin’ to sell you fake stuff. You gotta make sure you’re gettin’ the real deal, a genuine John Wick watch, not some cheap knock-off. But nowadays there are so many John Wick watches, it’s hard to tell what’s real and what ain’t.
Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about that John Wick watch. It’s a nice watch, that’s for sure. And it sure does look good on him. Maybe I’ll get me one someday. But for now, I’ll just stick to watchin’ them movies. They’re excitin’, even if they are a bit much sometimes. But that John Wick, he sure knows how to wear a watch. And he sure knows how to shoot a gun. He’s a dangerous man, that’s for sure. But that watch, it makes him look…kinda classy, don’t it?